The new Orange Android phone (San Francisco) £99...but a Question??

So what program do you use? I dont want to break my phone, dont have the money to fork out for a new one :p

setCPU, free from the XDA forum but you have to register. I've lowered the idle clock form 225Mhz to 122Mhz, battery seems to last a day longer with this on low use though i've never had an issue with the battery.
reinstalled the modoco one this time.

Going to leave it on charge all night and see what happens in the morning
Phone ATM is 3GS and selling to get new phone psu and gpu this is the phone I'm going for :D

It's a downgrade isn't it? :( but it's the best I can get at my budget

It depends how you look at it I suppose these are £90 the iphone 4 is around £500. If you have an iphone then its going to be a downgrade but its still a very good phone..

I have also just bought 2 of these from my local supermarket for people in the family and both are Oled.. Tempted to sell them on and just get a couple of LCD ones are the Oled's fetching thousands on ebay yet...:D:D
Phone ATM is 3GS and selling to get new phone psu and gpu this is the phone I'm going for :D

It's a downgrade isn't it? :( but it's the best I can get at my budget

The SF isn't as much of a downgrade as its price would suggest - you're definitely getting value for money this way.
Phone off charge at 7am again and already at 86% 5 min call made and radio on earphones for 30mins.

Surely this isnt right or is it?
right i manged 7 days with the battery with minimal use and that was with a "juicedefender" app which was ment to increase life. ive charged it over night and ran the recalibration tip and am now running it without the app, will see what happens
Phone off charge at 7am again and already at 86% 5 min call made and radio on earphones for 30mins.

Surely this isnt right or is it?

Charging whilst on doesn't charge it fully.

Mine lost 2% within seconds of taking it off, compared to charging when off which takes about 5 minutes to knock 1% off.

Essentially what has happened during the night, is it hit 100%, then stopped charging, dipped to about 90% and just maintained that level. So 86% after 5 minutes, isn't surprising.
Are you guys charging via the power socket or usb?

Charging from the computer is pathetic and takes over twice as long as plugging directly into the plug socket.

Not really surprising when the max usb output is 500ma.

Turn everything off on the phone, wifi, gps etc, trying to charge it when it's consuming power is always going to take longer.

Even better, charge it when it's off.
running 32%
screen on 17.2%
phone on 8.8%
Wifi on 40.5%
wifi running 40.4%

phone was taken off charge this morning at 7am and wireless IS NOT on or enabled. Ive installed set cpu in case this helps im now at 72%

Not sure where it got them stats from. Ive also installed super task killer to kill any apps that are not needed.

I do have live wallpaper? could this drain it!?

I still need to get the headphone sound increased. I want to be able to use a headphone set with microphone on.

Also my facebook push notifications seem to have stopped working?

Any ideas?
Wireless obviously is enabled if it's updating stats under battery history (make sure since unplugged is selected).

Please post your battery history again, also the top 3 apps in wakelock section.

r7 - 2nd February 2011
- Custom FLB kernel with CIFS, TUN, EXT4 support and performance tweaks
- Rom fully resigned using correct keys
- TouchPal removed due to crashes
- Android Keyboard replaced with Gingerbread keyboard
- Reboot option added to power menu
- Messaging app updated with latest patches from Google for the recipient bug fixes. Also allows custom user agent for mms and black/white background
- Fixed Facebook status showing in the contacts app. Now shows as Facebook rather than Netmeeting
- Caller ID fixed. Users updating from an older rom with the bug will need to wipe
- Google apps updated
- Some WiFi fixes to try and resolve the reconnecting issue
- Boot animation replaced with nexus animation due to complaints about zte animation
- Stagefright disabled. It's buggy and provides no performance improvements. ROM performs better using the older OpenCore libs
- TaskManager crashing fixed
Yey Flibble :).

When "wiping" for a new ROM, does that mean both a data / factory and cache reset from Clockwork? I want to keep as much data as possible saved. Where does Titanium backup store it's data?
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