The new Orange Android phone (San Francisco) £99...but a Question??

My version is jelly fish but its unusable with the volume output. On a bus i can hear people round me louder than the radio.

Ive tryed other earphones as well and its the same.

Surely the thing can go louder as on full volume its still very good quality. It must have more to go ? surely other people have this?

All i need is the sound booster some how now!!! Surely there is a way. Thinking of ditching my iphone? this would clinch it.

FRom which
Alternatively you can easily connect your own headphones using the 3.5mm jack. If you're a music fan we'd recommend taking this option as we weren’t impressed by the supplied set - our expert istening panel described them as sounding thin, with little bass. They're also very quiet, even at maximum volume.
FRom pda 24/7
The headphones feel cheap and nasty with very thin wires and an design reminiscent of the older HTC style. The media volume with the supplied headphone is quite quiet and no amount of tinkering could make them louder which is a shame because the sound quality was way above expectations. I tried my iPhone headphones and they were even quieter with some interference so I will continue to test and update more on this part tomorrow.

from modaco...

This really is the killer.

Also i had my iphone ear phones in earlier and received a call and they couldnt hear me through the phone mic?? Not like on my iphone.

if some one can help with this please!!!!
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Still 2 things for me that stop be getting rid of iphone.

My battery was fully charged at 4.20 its now at 58% with only a few calls made.

Ive just downloaded set cpu to see what happens.

the second is still sounds over headphones on public transport it really is quiet

surely some one has had this.?
Still 2 things for me that stop be getting rid of iphone.

My battery was fully charged at 4.20 its now at 58% with only a few calls made.

Ive just downloaded set cpu to see what happens.

the second is still sounds over headphones on public transport it really is quiet

surely some one has had this.?

The Sanfransisco is nowhere near as good as an iphone. If you already have an iphone why would you want one of these ? What the SA offers is an affordable smartphone for those who think spending £500 on a iphone is a complete waste.
The SA is a fantastic phone but not really much of a patch on the crappy iphone in terms of performance or app support.
The Sanfransisco is nowhere near as good as an iphone. If you already have an iphone why would you want one of these ? What the SA offers is an affordable smartphone for those who think spending £500 on a iphone is a complete waste.
The SA is a fantastic phone but not really much of a patch on the crappy iphone in terms of performance or app support.

its very nearly there though.
Read if you have quiet headphone volume.

Just bought a pair of Alba in-ear headphones from Argos for £5.99 and the volume has increased significantly. Used it while walking around town today with cars going by, at 50% volume they were perfect if not a little too loud. If you;re having issues I strongly suggest you give these a go. Really comfy and excellent sound quality too.

Alba In-Ear Headphones - Black

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Still 2 things for me that stop be getting rid of iphone.

My battery was fully charged at 4.20 its now at 58% with only a few calls made.

Ive just downloaded set cpu to see what happens.

the second is still sounds over headphones on public transport it really is quiet

surely some one has had this.?

What's spare parts saying is consuming battery? Are you leaving wifi and gps on? Have you unknowingly enabled latitude?
its very nearly there though.

Don't get me wrong I love the SA to bits and hate the iphone with a passion but when you play angry birds on the iphone and its perfectly smooth without the annoying juddering you get on the SA it kind of makes you realise its not really in the same league.
For £90 you really cannot go wrong the iphone is 4-5 times the price but its nowhere near 4-5 times the phone..
Don't get me wrong I love the SA to bits and hate the iphone with a passion but when you play angry birds on the iphone and its perfectly smooth without the annoying juddering you get on the SA it kind of makes you realise its not really in the same league.
For £90 you really cannot go wrong the iphone is 4-5 times the price but its nowhere near 4-5 times the phone..

I can quite honestly say I have no juddering on my SA whilst playing Angry Birds...
What's spare parts saying is consuming battery? Are you leaving wifi and gps on? Have you unknowingly enabled latitude?

running 32%
screen on 17.2%
phone on 8.8%
Wifi on 40.5%
wifi running 40.4%

phone was taken off charge this morning at 7am and wireless IS NOT on or enabled. Ive installed set cpu in case this helps im now at 72%

Not sure where it got them stats from. Ive also installed super task killer to kill any apps that are not needed.

I do have live wallpaper? could this drain it!?

I still need to get the headphone sound increased. I want to be able to use a headphone set with microphone on.

Also my facebook push notifications seem to have stopped working?

Any ideas?
yeah on for a full 6 days never off. Im only running a back to back test at the moment as im using a battery app this test and next charge will just be standard. i normally use it a lot more for tracking my walks and stuff
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