So far as I can tell from the finale Chloe, Eli, The military personel & the baby are all ****ed!
Whats going on with Eureka?
That show got decent ratings, but its last episode was a fair while ago. Are they planning to make another season?
Whats going on with Eureka?
That show got decent ratings, but its last episode was a fair while ago. Are they planning to make another season?
and finally (and i may be wrong about this) but they have tied the space suits they wear into what the asgard were using in the last season of sg atlantis right (remember the 2 parter where daniel and rodney are kidnapped)??? they look very similar, if not obviously a little older???
i love the camo's from the sg1 lot when they do crop up it brings back fond memories, especially daniel (although both him and jack are clearly ageing quite a lot!, +RDA needs to stop eating it seems)
I don't think it's been 100% confirmed one way or the other if the suits are indeed the same as those the Asgard had or they just re-used the costume without thinking twice about it ...
It would be nice if it was the case that the ones on Destiny are the same as those (maybe an earlier version) the evil asgard procured and thus adapted for their own use - would make sense I guess![]()
The writers/producers have acknowledged that fact when asked although they didn't say either way whether there was actually a connection or not.
Err Daniel ageing? Michael Shanks is only 39 ffs, I can't say he looks old in SGU or Burn Notice or in Smallville
Seriously, they are surrounded by military who know the Alliance are a force to be reconned with and will surely have a plan other than stand around helpless but noooo, they just let them throw flashbangs and smoke at them and fall back in seconds!
Grrrrr /rant
So true!
Err Daniel ageing? Michael Shanks is only 39 ffs, I can't say he looks old in SGU or Burn Notice or in Smallville