The next Predator movie - Prey (2022 on Hulu)

Yes, I am wondering that, though would be coll to have another film set in say 70 years later in another part of the world, but yea needs to be explained how they get it back.

What I'm hoping for is a re-imagining of the "AVP: War" novel which is a follow-up novel to original "AVP: Prey" novel (something I mentioned in the opening post) where instead of "Machiko" from the AVP novel, we use Naru from the film to perform the same basic story of "human joins Yautja clan to hunt" which would help explain how the ending of Predator 2 would be possible.

Obviously it'd need a whole heap of massaging the original story to allow it work but the basic idea of "Yautja come back to see how the hunter in Prey did (as shown in the post-credits animation), find that Naru killed him, Naru passes some form of trial by combat/try-out and so the Yautja offer her a chance to leave her tribe and join them as a hunter" at this point there's two ways to go, either she refuses and a fight ensues in which she kills some but dies and, as a trophy the Predator who kills her takes the pistol...........or she accepts the offer and hands over the pistol as a mark of respect. There's some other ways I suppose it could go as those are just quickly hashed out thoughts.
Average pretty much, no Comanche language apart from a dub, English speaking to appease the masses, no subtitles for the French speaking parts, another movie with a female lead, it’s like every movie made now days is you must have a female lead, don’t get me wrong the lead did a great job, it just seems like most films need to have a female lead for some reason.
It just felt all a bit lazy with regards to not being filmed in Comanche and no subs for the French parts.
Average pretty much, no Comanche language apart from a dub, English speaking to appease the masses, no subtitles for the French speaking parts, another movie with a female lead, it’s like every movie made now days is you must have a female lead, don’t get me wrong the lead did a great job, it just seems like most films need to have a female lead for some reason.
It just felt all a bit lazy with regards to not being filmed in Comanche and no subs for the French parts.

Or you're to lazy to actually notice there is a complete Comanche version of the movie.
Or you're to lazy to actually notice there is a complete Comanche version of the movie.
Ooh touchy, no that’s a dub.

Please tell me where this full Comanche language version is, all I see is a Comanche dub in extras. I guess because it’s a mainstream Disney movie they went this route though which is understandable.
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I see marry sue being branded about among some content creator's.

Naru is the very opposite of marry sue lol.

Hope this comes to physical media and I will be buying all action figure's(I believe only the Predator from Neca has been confirmed)
I enjoyed it, after the last Predator film (which totally sucked) my expectation was low, but I think they did quite a good job. Id say 7/10 on par with the second imo.

Main Gripes

Camera was too quick to move off the French murder scenes for me.
Overall look of the Predator was meh, I know what they were going for, but for me Predators did it better with different variants.
Story was predictable I guess, didn't really push it much.
Iffy looking CGI, animals etc

Main character, well acted and quite quick to learn.
Scene with the bear was pretty cool.
Well paced, didn't feel slow at any point.
Liked it went after animals, It is there too hunt and test itself against other hunters so was nice it wasn't always humans
The line!
I quite liked the Bone Mask.
One slight inconsistency with the
Raphael Adolini 1715 gun. Was pretty sure from the comics it came from a Buccaneer who fought with Greyback. This movie doesn't recognise that continuity I guess.

Perhaps it will expand on how it gets from Naru to Greyback if it follows Predator 2 timeline.
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This was better than the last few Predator movies that got a cinema release, with how this was shot would've been nice to see it on the big screen too. Enjoyed how they gave the Predator some personality by showing how he was getting revenge on people for injurying him, oh you stabbed my foot let me take your leg off.

Taabe showing how strong a warrior he was by nearly taking the Predator down on his until he had to use stealth.
This flew by, not sure if just me but I would have liked a little slower pace, between the action. It didn't let up making the movie feel like all the action scenes were tacked together.
The Predator featured in 'Prey' is a somewhat primitive example of its species compared to the Predators featured in the original films. This example of the creature relies more on brute force and hand-to-hand combat when engaging its prey rather than the stealth-based attacks of its later kin.

Its technology and weaponry reflect this approach. It eschews plasma-based projectiles in favour of metal spear tips and arrows, and its face mask is of a more bone-like material rather than the smooth steel of later examples of its species. The mask functions identically to the ones worn by the later visitors to Earth.

While cosmetically different than the other members of the Yautja, its origin being from a different hemisphere on the Predator homeworld, it still adheres to the established honor code; it spares those it doesn't deem a threat.

The prequel implies that this is the first member of its species to have hunted on Earth. This is why it looks the way it does as it's a lesser evolved Yautja.
The Predator featured in 'Prey' is a somewhat primitive example of its species compared to the Predators featured in the original films. This example of the creature relies more on brute force and hand-to-hand combat when engaging its prey rather than the stealth-based attacks of its later kin.

Its technology and weaponry reflect this approach. It eschews plasma-based projectiles in favour of metal spear tips and arrows, and its face mask is of a more bone-like material rather than the smooth steel of later examples of its species. The mask functions identically to the ones worn by the later visitors to Earth.

While cosmetically different than the other members of the Yautja, its origin being from a different hemisphere on the Predator homeworld, it still adheres to the established honor code; it spares those it doesn't deem a threat.

The prequel implies that this is the first member of its species to have hunted on Earth. This is why it looks the way it does as it's a lesser evolved Yautja.

also the small fact about when its set 1719, which is over 250 years before predator happens, so plenty of time for new technology as well as who knows what else that changes the predators look. something many yahoos having hissy fits online seem to miss.

as for the film, enjoyed it and yes vastly superior to the last turd that was pushed out.
The Predator featured in 'Prey' is a somewhat primitive example of its species compared to the Predators featured in the original films. This example of the creature relies more on brute force and hand-to-hand combat when engaging its prey rather than the stealth-based attacks of its later kin.

Its technology and weaponry reflect this approach. It eschews plasma-based projectiles in favour of metal spear tips and arrows, and its face mask is of a more bone-like material rather than the smooth steel of later examples of its species. The mask functions identically to the ones worn by the later visitors to Earth.

While cosmetically different than the other members of the Yautja, its origin being from a different hemisphere on the Predator homeworld, it still adheres to the established honor code; it spares those it doesn't deem a threat.

The prequel implies that this is the first member of its species to have hunted on Earth. This is why it looks the way it does as it's a lesser evolved Yautja.

Happily it looks like they've ditched the god-awful AVP timeline too which showed Plasma canons etc being used thousands of years ago.
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