The next Predator movie - Prey (2022 on Hulu)

Yautja had to earn their plasmacaster by getting "blooded" ie: a rite of passage where they must hunt.
Some of them are "bad blood" therefore denied such weapons and are outcasts banished from the homeland. The Predator from this movie may have been one of these and possibly crafted his own weapons, but I think it's just a less evolved variant with not as good tech as the newer ones, but then you had the floating laser guided cluster bombs in this movie so....
Also it is considered among the least honourable weaponry the Yautja possess. Often, when faced with particularly worthy prey, a predator will discard his plasmacaster and rely instead on its more basic weapons.
Not knowing any of the lore outside the films, I read it as the Predator had deliberately tooled up with mostly stabby pointy stuff to match the prey.

But yeah the floaty droney cluster bombs did take the mick a bit, if that was the case.
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Yautja had to earn their plasmacaster by getting "blooded" ie: a rite of passage where they must hunt.
Some of them are "bad blood" therefore denied such weapons and are outcasts banished from the homeland. The Predator from this movie may have been one of these and possibly crafted his own weapons, but I think it's just a less evolved variant with not as good tech as the newer ones, but then you had the floating laser guided cluster bombs in this movie so....
Also it is considered among the least honourable weaponry the Yautja possess. Often, when faced with particularly worthy prey, a predator will discard his plasmacaster and rely instead on its more basic weapons.
Correct. Predators are all in for the challenging fight
Predators have cheats enabled. You beat me? I activate a nuke? wtf?
Laser guided weapons, invisibility, not once using the weapons of the era or timeline - pffft hax!
Predators are cheats.
The predators look is certainly middle of the road but not the worst we had.

Best to worse for me (Just films)

Greyback Hunter (P2)
Jungle hunter (P1)
City hunter (P2 then all the other variants)
Wolf Predator (AVP2 awful film but he was the dogs bits)
Prey (not sure he has a name yet)
Yong bloods (AVP Celtic, Scar, Ancient etc)
Super Preds (Predators, Falcon, Tracker etc)

I refuse to put that monstrosity from The Predator on the list :mad:
I enjoyed it overall, there was enough good elements to allow the bad stuff to be overlooked - it stuck faithfully to established Predator lore (big predator comic/novel/movie geek here) and the heroine was no Mary Sue, the way she defeated it was established early on, albeit somewhat heavy handedly putting the pieces in place before the climax.

It would sit joint 2nd/3rd with Predator 2 for me at the moment but that could be recency bias, let's see what happens with my view on subsequent rewatches.

Shout out to the hunter pretending to be dead, was chuckling at that for some time with the 'dead' face he pulled.
Watched it last night, it’s a solid 8/10 for me. I absolutely loved it, the nods to the first film weren’t forced and worked really well and it set things up so well. Excellent film and finally a decent Predator movie.
That was not bad, not bad at all, a very respectable 6/10 with the lead female being written really well, making rational decisions, being shown to fail, overcome and triumph, using brains when brawn doesn't work etc, I'm very impressed with the most of the screenwriting. Yes there's always going to be a few "mary sue" moments (her "magical" returning axe etc) but virtually all the "strong independent woman" conflicts seem to arise naturally and get dealt with in a way that also feels organic and real, although having so many of the male "hunting party" being <25 kids with no elders (father figures) anywhere to be seen outside of the camp feels deliberate as a way to get a "young man whose macho gets hurt by woman" scene thrown in but, again, thats dealt with in a "realistic" way.

The story, split into three fairly distinct parts, never feels rushed or drawn out but the (trying not to spoil things) "Firearms" middle section felt a little thrown-in just to have the Predator go through a "John Wick-esqe" moment with all it's new weapons and plenty of un-important and disposable meat sacks to use them on.

The only genuinely "bad" bit for me is the practical effects/CGI of this "new but actually older than the OG one" Predator which looks absolutely terrible to me, the practical skin/costume of the Predator looks almost like comic-con cosplay levels with spray-painted foam body (very unrealistic looking compared to the skin in Pred 1-2) and the new CGI face is very tall and thin making the proportions look all wrong and it's a very definite misstep in an otherwise Good film.

There's some new lore thats been added and I like the idea of the older design wrist computer and helmet (very organic rather than obvious metal) but I wonder how the "artefact" at end of this film ends up in Predator 2, so I'm guessing there will be another film set around this the outcome of this one to explain that, maybe. If there is I'll definitely watch it.

Of course they do, they get paid to "pander" to the people who buy whatever magazine the review is in or who watch whatever TV show that the review is broadcast on. For example if the professional reviewer for the Guardian or MSNBC suddenly started rating "pro-Right Wing" or "anti-woke" media as "great viewing 9/10" they'd be sacked within moments, don't be so naive!

my take is that when they come to claim the body (as possibly hinted at in the post credit scene) there is some sort of tribal offering from Naru, which is said pistol and then they give it to Danny Glover in predator 2 because he is worthy of it (having killed a predator)
The Predator featured in 'Prey' is a somewhat primitive example of its species compared to the Predators featured in the original films. This example of the creature relies more on brute force and hand-to-hand combat when engaging its prey rather than the stealth-based attacks of its later kin.

Its technology and weaponry reflect this approach. It eschews plasma-based projectiles in favour of metal spear tips and arrows, and its face mask is of a more bone-like material rather than the smooth steel of later examples of its species. The mask functions identically to the ones worn by the later visitors to Earth.

While cosmetically different than the other members of the Yautja, its origin being from a different hemisphere on the Predator homeworld, it still adheres to the established honor code; it spares those it doesn't deem a threat.

The prequel implies that this is the first member of its species to have hunted on Earth. This is why it looks the way it does as it's a lesser evolved Yautja.

I know other people have written it off as “technology not as advanced” etc but I also feel (my own interpretation of this obviously)
is that the predator here is an absolute rookie and is it’s first time in earth so probably didn’t have access to the higher weaponry available to predators, I always assumed the predator in the first film as a more seasoned hunter) so this rookie predator was just on his first hunt
I know other people have written it off as “technology not as advanced” etc but I also feel (my own interpretation of this obviously)
is that the predator here is an absolute rookie and is it’s first time in earth so probably didn’t have access to the higher weaponry available to predators, I always assumed the predator in the first film as a more seasoned hunter) so this rookie predator was just on his first hunt
I agree with that, you essentially see him levelling up as the movie progresses
Snake > Wolf > Bear > Human
Is it just me or has the Critical Drinker just changed his review? Went from slating it to "surprisingly good".

His first thoughts video on his other channel had this down as 'just meh' got a fair bit of backlash and the review on his main channel is now it's a decent flick.
It was okay - but really just a remake of the first film only with Indians instead or Mercenaries.

Was there a reason that I missed as to why the Predator had a longer, more elongated face than previously and wore a bone face plate rather than the usual one ? Looked a bit weird.

I assumed the downgrade of weaponry was because he was fighting bows and axes not machine guns - i,e to keep it a fair hunt.

the pistol she brought back to the tribe at the end - was that supposed to be the one handed over as a reward at the end of Predator 2 ? (Presumably taken by the fleet of Alien ships shown approaching the tribes village during the credits)
Is it just me or has the Critical Drinker just changed his review? Went from slating it to "surprisingly good".
Haven't watched it yet but not expecting it to be glowing.

He's been doing a lot of Live streams with Geeks and Gamer peeps and well let's just say there's a lot of dislike for anything Disney these days.

Probably looking for faults instead of enjoying it.
It was okay - but really just a remake of the first film only with Indians instead or Mercenaries.

Was there a reason that I missed as to why the Predator had a longer, more elongated face than previously and wore a bone face plate rather than the usual one ? Looked a bit weird.

I assumed the downgrade of weaponry was because he was fighting bows and axes not machine guns - i,e to keep it a fair hunt.

the pistol she brought back to the tribe at the end - was that supposed to be the one handed over as a reward at the end of Predator 2 ? (Presumably taken by the fleet of Alien ships shown approaching the tribes village during the credits)

Ref the spoiler, yes it is.
Just watched Drinkers pre review and his review.

Better than I thought it would be.

Seems he really wanted to hate it but found something semi decent.
It was okay - but really just a remake of the first film only with Indians instead or Mercenaries.

Was there a reason that I missed as to why the Predator had a longer, more elongated face than previously and wore a bone face plate rather than the usual one ? Looked a bit weird.

I assumed the downgrade of weaponry was because he was fighting bows and axes not machine guns - i,e to keep it a fair hunt.

the pistol she brought back to the tribe at the end - was that supposed to be the one handed over as a reward at the end of Predator 2 ? (Presumably taken by the fleet of Alien ships shown approaching the tribes village during the credits)

Was the tech particularly downgraded? Looked quite high tech to me. However, I have only ever seen Predator and Predator 2, 2 was a long time ago. So unsure what tech was in the crud in between those and this. :cry:
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