The next Predator movie - Prey (2022 on Hulu)

Huh? Yakuza? Lawrence Fisburne?

Solid 6.5/10 for me. Generally enjoyable but some of the effects were terrible (the bear!) and the end section didn't quite gel.
This seems to have better reviews than I'd expect for such a film?

Was thinking about watching this. Until the gf said she hadn't seen predator.

School commenced!
Definitely a pleasant surprise after the last two movies.

I had to look up how many there had been!

Predators, predator 2? I've seen one of these. Not sure which.

Obviously the AVP dross. (how they messed that up I have no idea. It basically writes itself!)
I had to look up how many there had been!

Predators, predator 2? I've seen one of these. Not sure which.

Obviously the AVP dross. (how they messed that up I have no idea. It basically writes itself!)
Predators is the one with 'The Nose' Brody failing at emulating Arnie and an awful turn from Fishburne and a whole host of forgettable characters.

Predator 2 is a full on cheesefest but isn't as bad as many make out, Danny Glover in his prime.

The Predator - where do I even start.
Predators is the one with 'The Nose' Brody failing at emulating Arnie and an awful turn from Fishburne and a whole host of forgettable characters.

Predator 2 is a full on cheesefest but isn't as bad as many make out, Danny Glover in his prime.

The Predator - where do I even start.

Baffles me.
People who love predator do not expect Oscar type films.
Been so many good action/Sci fi/horror films and when the original is on the mark you'd think sequels would be easy!
I liked this much more than I thought. Seeing as Disney+ has all the predator films apart from the newest one I rewatched the 1st two. In all honesty they have terrible dialogue and clichéd characters. I know movies and storytelling were different back then but having not seen these 2 movies for about 10 years, I forgot!

I'm gonna say Predator 2>Predator 1> Prey. But there's not much in it. Would probably give them all a 7/10 or just above.

I enjoyed this, thought it was a good take on it. Surprised me as I expected it to be rubbish.
Which one is The Predator then?? I got a coming soon email from Netflix about it. Clicked the link and it gave me a netflix error code NES-404. Is the origin story of the creature hell bent on killing humans because he is frustrated with 1990s internet?
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