The **Now Drinking** Thread

Started with a couple of HSB's in the pub with the old man then a cider when home a couple of exports and have been having a couple of captain morgans since with a half bottle of sparkling rose with the gf. About to head to town so it shall be a good night.

Though I will miss the ale from my rugby club Doombar. It is always a good night on that stuff.
Trying to decide what to mix the Vanilla Vodka with, while chugging the rest :P

You won't find a use by date on it or bottled date (usually). '2000 vintage' means that the grapes in it are from the year 2000 that was a declared vintage year. The 'keep for up to 12 months' means that it's best to drink it within the next 12 months. (the year 2000 vintage is just about at its best right now)

Generally, most of the wines sold in the supermarkets are sold as either ready to drink right now or will say on the back somewhere about when best to drink it. Cheap wines don't tend to bother.

Certainly won't die from it.

Most probably just natural sediment, nothing to worry about

Thanks for that :) I'll enjoy it later on.

in the mean time...

don't usually drink rum, having it with coke and it tastes a bit like witch-hazel :|
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