The **Now Drinking** Thread

I don't know how you can drink so much Harp DJ.
I just don't enjoy it at all, same goes for Tennants.
I am however enjoying this lovely Tuborg.
Carlsberg (don't judge me!)

Going out for dinner with 4 Russians and 2 Ukranians tonight so might be a messy one! Also, an American will be there so I suppose he'll just make a fool of himself as they do ;).
Got myself one of these (Insert "Sorry for the picture it was taken on my phone" comment)


But not tried it before and a bit new to trying anything that is not "A Bud" or one of your branded mass produced products, so not sure how to serve it, Fridge, Room Temp etc, anyone know?

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It should say on the bottle. I think old Tom should just be served at room temp?

Cant 100% remember so check the label.

It's around 8% isn't it :D?

On I'm on peroni :)
It does not say... Or I am blind but I do wish they did put serving information on the bottles...

Also yes it is 8.5%!

Ale should generally be at cellar temp, a hour in the fridge should suffice.

DJ - not at home, so have to put up with crap pivo!

Having a g (Bombay) and t Atm. Yum.
Bottle of 'Midnight Sun'. It's a "rich, dark and spicy porter" from William Bros Brewing Co. in Alloa. I'm loving their stuff.
5.6%, nice morning beer! :D
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