The **Now Drinking** Thread


Coffee and 2nd of the day :p:D

Haha :p Coffee man eh? :p I've never really enjoyed coffee... not sure why :p

To be honest, I used to hate Tea - but after being an Electrical Apprentice for around four years, I've sort of been forced into it - And now I can't get enough :p
Haha :p Coffee man eh? :p I've never really enjoyed coffee... not sure why :p

To be honest, I used to hate Tea - but after being an Electrical Apprentice for around four years, I've sort of been forced into it - And now I can't get enough :p

I can see how that would have an influence :) I actually don't dislike tea it's just the only time I drink it is when I run out of coffee .... :D

... still coffee and must be my 5th by now.

Oh and congrats on the underboss thingy :)
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