The **Now Drinking** Thread

..... answer

Funny you should say that, i've had Fursty Ferret quite a bit as it was the first 'Badger' drink I tried.

Tonight for the first time I tried a Hopping Hare which I thought was lovely, it had a strong hoppy taste to it and then for the first time I tried the Golden Glory.
Samual Adams Boston Lager

Very tasty :) Some british company is now importing it so I managed to pick up a few bottles from morrisons

Had a few bottles of that recently, it's lush. Got a pint of it last week (it was over £4 a pint!!!) and it was really awesome.

Ale need to give this one a go ! ! !

Try and get your mouth around Spring Sprinter. Had a pint earlier on, it's from Fullers I think. Lovely stuff. Hoppy, but lovely!

:mad: each to their own I guess.


That's one reason I love beer. There are so many flavours there that please so many people. I'm not a beer snob (much!), and I accept that people enjoy their drinks. It's just pleasing that there are so many flavours and experiences within the beer world. :)

Anyway, on topic - Milk. But I also have a doublewood poured.
I'm hammered.
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