I've tried brew dog stuff since it came on to the scene with the TNP, but what really struck me was when I went to the pub on a regular basis (it is the local next to my work) and reading the tosh they publish on a daily basis and meeting their regular customer base.
My taste in beers are as varied as they come but I can not stand the vast majority of stuff they pump out. Its like they are trying to make beer/ale trendy by sticking weird names on it and pimping it out to the masses, now forgive me if you are taking offence to this but just read the blurb for their tokyo beer.
Now if that isn't pretentious then I don't know what is and I know that they aren't strictly real ale but "craft beers" but if you listen to the people in there you will understand what I mean, might just be the one in Aberdeen as I haven't ventured into the ones around Scotland as like I said the beer doesn't interest me as much as say some where selling continental beers (both lagers, wheat and trappist beer).
So lolkahn me all you want but trust me when I say I know a fair bit about alcohol, enough to put most people to shame from working ale bars to trendy bars to generally liking a drink and having a good sense of adventure.
But I stand by my opinion of brew dog plop.
/edit :- If you are looking for a decent craft beer look for innis and gunn (not the normal/blonde you get in the supermarkets) but more the rum, whisky , irish whisky etc.