The **Now Drinking** Thread

Jack Daniels, and their honey liqueur.

Where I went to eat last night had a JD promo team in giving away from Tennessee Honey, so much consumed. 3 of us sat down for food and straight away we got 9 shots :D

I personally prefer Wild Turkey American Honey, much nicer stuff.
Cobra. Lots of Cobra. I worked 48 hours over the last 3 days and need a drink.

Going to have a couple of Tiger's in a min :)

...but till then it's another Carlsberg in my new Harp glass :D

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Point well made, I've got a Orval in the fridge. Now that's a proper beer! Harp - 75, Orval - 93. (I'm obsessed with Beeradvocate).

I'm kinda jesting, as DrunkenJester well knows. I don't mind what people drink providing they are willing to try other stuff as well which he is.
Point well made, I've got a Orval in the fridge. Now that's a proper beer! Harp - 75, Orval - 93. (I'm obsessed with Beeradvocate).

I'm kinda jesting, as DrunkenJester well knows. I don't mind what people drink providing they are willing to try other stuff as well which he is.

Like two cushions bashed together upon a beaten sofa... sometimes stuck at either end, sometimes... one thrown upon the floor, sometimes... only one sat upon, sometimes... both squeezed together. ;) :D

As for ratings.... I let my tongue do the scoring ;)

Moving on.... (found in fridge)

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I love your mad ramblings, most of the time they don't make any sense but I think that I'm getting the gist of what you're saying and I think it's agreeable.

Anyway, just found a can of Tennent's hiding behind the tattie scones (I'm having a fry up for dinner ;)) so I'm having that.
I love your mad ramblings, most of the time they don't make any sense but I think that I'm getting the gist of what you're saying and I think it's agreeable.

Anyway, just found a can of Tennent's hiding behind the tattie scones (I'm having a fry up for dinner ;)) so I'm having that.


Play safe pour the Tennent's over the serving plate ;)

..Peroni, it'll do
Got Peroni here as well.

I never seem to enjoy a pint of Peroni in Glasgow. Always seems to taste a little off. Am I just going mad?

Well like I said I found this four pack within the depths of my fridge extremely well chilled, as for against draught that will surely depend upon the bar and how well they maintain it :) That said when sat at home a beer will never taste the same as one drunk within a pub/bar as your mind and eyes will wonder detracting from what is upon your tongue....

Failing that as Ahleckz says.... I'm mad ;)
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