I'm testing some different ciders tonight after reading the cider thread.
Just had a bottle of Magners pear cider and Bulmers pear cider and I liked both, think I preferred the Magners though. Now I'm drinking Jacques cider which I think is too sweet, doesn't really taste of cider at all.
Scrumpy jack is next.
I have some 8% westons cider, if thats classed as chavvy
Edit, just tried it, damn thats good cider.
No way. Chavs don't drink good cider
I might indulge in some of that Henry Westons myself
tonight... i have erm, by reccomendation from here, some stowford press cider!
Stowford Export
Henry westons vintage special reserve
cant wait to try em! gonna chill em in a bit.
where did you get them from!!!!111 2
Tangle Foot