Really into cider at the moment.[/IMG]
That stuff reminds me of a pub in Canterbury. Drinking pints and pints of the stuff before throwing up all over the bar, getting chucked out and banned for lifeFortunately Canterbury is littered with pubs and it is very much NOT banned from one banned from all
Like I said one step up....and small stepsBought some of that Millicano! Had one cup at work yesterday and can't tell any difference really. :/
Made a cold brew of coffee last night. Ground up some beans and left to infuse in water in the fridge overnight. Not all that keen on iced coffee so decided to try making a cocktail out of it. Second attempt is quite good - 25ml coffee, 50ml vodka, 50ml double cream and 1 tsp condensed milk; shaken with ice and poured into a Martini glass. Very tasty
Also made a cold cascara brew. Think I might try that in a G&T later, I think that might work.