Also rather disappointed with his choice of sweetcorn over peas. Merlin's a nice guy, but he's a had a bit of a mare there. Still, at least he hasn't used Richmond sausages (I hope).
Tesco Cumberland sausages
Also rather disappointed with his choice of sweetcorn over peas. Merlin's a nice guy, but he's a had a bit of a mare there. Still, at least he hasn't used Richmond sausages (I hope).
Finest or normal. I actually prefer the normal ones. Finest are too meaty, not enough rusk to make them smooth to eat.Tesco Cumberland sausages
Finest or normal. I actually prefer the normal ones. Finest are too meaty, not enough rusk to make them smooth to eat.
These are nice crisps.
I shoot with a 5D4 so it's "big" and I don't try to hide it, people see what i am doing and I frankly don't care! For one thing, even if they say something, I wouldn't know what they are saying anyway. The hardest thing is trying to shoot while holding it with the other hand though and trying to focus, especially at night with street food, really low light, i got nothing to lean on for stability.
also whats everyone favourite wing sauce? there seems to be hardly any in uk.
i quite like franks but its not hot and its only good as a base, it needs stuff adding to it to build flavour and heat. use it more as a flavoured vinegar to build a sauce from. would be nice just to have something good to start with.
oh and never try the meat lust range of sauces, they are truly disgusting.
Would you say it's possible to achieve similar results with something like a 40D/50D camera and a 50mm/35mm Lens, or does the actually Camera make a huge difference here?
Yeah I use the normal Frank's hot sauce, the wing version is just that with added fake butter. I see hot heads do a wing sauce will give that a go.We use Franks Red Hot Sauce (not the stuff that's labelled as wing sauce) but can sometimes get US stuff at the local deli. The Franks is pretty good I find, there's spice there but I'd like more.
I quite like the Buffalo sauce, haven't tried any of the others.
Buffalo sauce is just Frank's mixed with melted butter. Try it.
Yeah I use the normal Frank's hot sauce, the wing version is just that with added fake butter. I see hot heads do a wing sauce will give that a go.
First time eating Mac and cheese?
Nothing beats bog standard in baked Mac and cheese. Simplicity in this case is where it's at.