The **Now Eating** Thread

Just had more ribs with ratatouille this time, god I'm hungry today. Better eating more than giving into my craving of pizza with sides.
Just finished a lovely plate of spag bol.

Spent a long hard day in the kitchen, during which I made: the bolognese for tonight's dinner (as well as 3 portions for freezing); a pan of lentil soup for freezing; a loaf of bread; two burgers for tomorrow's lunch and a venison curry for dinner tomorrow night.
I've also just finished making a "biga" (starter dough) to make ciabatta rolls for my burgers tomorrow.

I'm knackered. There's no way I could be a chef. As much as I enjoy cooking, if I had to do what I did today every day, I'd soon grow to hate it. Not too bad now and again though - nice feeling of satisfaction, having achieved quite a bit today.

I'm off to sit in front of the telly with a family sized single malt now :p

Taking this to work for dinner today. Its boiled rice with some diced up chicken, mushrooms, red pepper, curried beans and a chow mein sauce. Tried some last night when it was made, very tasty :)
Feeling rubbish all day with throat infection so stuck inside.

Made some Parmesan biscuits today for nibbling, along with Carribean Pepperpot stew for dinner - 7 hours on low in slow cooker should be ready soon!


Oh my that looks awesome (all of it)

Made some olive & feta beef kebabs
And had a couple with a boring salad for brunch (on nights, hence odd times)

Just finished venison curry. I thought it was going to be insanely hot (that single portion has 1 red cayenne, 1/2 green cayenne and 1/2 tsp hot chilli powder in it) but it wasn't, it was just fine. Venison was tender and tasty and the sauce was very nice. Only problem, there wasn't enough of it - I only had 1/2lb of venison in the freezer :(


Also, I cheated and had a shop bought naan :o
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