For me, Saturday is steak night. Most weeks this means a steak with the usual trimmings and a bottle of plonk. Every now and then, I like to make a night of it - like tonight.
To start off with, I had a bowl of Beetroot soup made to a Valentine Warner recipe (probably my favourite TV chef). This was served with some of my very own homemade crusty wholemeal bread [/smug].
Next was the steak. A fairly ordinary Morrison's ribeye steak cooked medium-rare as ribeye should be cooked along with baked tatties, mushrooms and asparagus.
I'm usually very fussy about food miles so all of the ingredients for the soup were from a local farm shop (except the cloves). The steak was from the UK, the tatties were from Yorkshire and the mushrooms from Lancashire. My only cheat is the asparagus. I love asparagus and can't imagine having a steak without it. Obviously, the asparagus season is long past for the UK - mine came from Peru. I feel guilt - but not enough to stop me buying it
Next up, the cheese board:
From left to right; Gorgonzola Piccante, Cashel Blue and Roquefort. Yumyumyum.
Finally, hot chocolate that I spent many hours and a fair amount of cash perfecting. This is entirely my own recipe - not adapted from anywhere else.
The recipe:
3/4 pint/400ml full fat milk (preferably Jersey full cream stuff).
50g 72% cocoa solids chocolate (or 40g 85%).
1 teaspoon demerara sugar.
Flavouring of your choice.
50ml Whisky (or brandy or rum or vodka - whatever spirit you want really).
You can use whatever flavouring you like - it's amazing how many things work well in hot chocolate. So far, I've tried chilli, cardamom (my favourite so far), cinnamon, ginger, orange (don't use juice, use the peel), cloves and star anise. Tonight I used star anise.
First, put milk in a pan with the star anise (or other flavouring), chocolate and sugar and put on a low heat (to allow the spice to infuse). Bring up to almost boiling and remove from heat. Add spirit and froth mixture with whatever means you have to hand. I used a stick blender but you can use a milk frother or a balloon whisk or whatever you have to hand - blow into it with a straw if you want
There you have it, Stan's personal hot chocolate recipe.