The **Now Eating** Thread

Rack of lamb rips, swede wedges and coleslaw.
Marinaded the ribs in a spicy chilli, ginger and raspberry vinegar.

Delicius, more awkward than pork spare ribs. They are like beef short ribs with a good layer of fat in the middle, that isn't really editable. But far more awkward than beef short ribs due to them being so much smaller.
Just back from my cousins 18th birthday party (were old fogies among kids, so we left early :p) . Didn't drink any booze, but partook in the buffet a bit. Had some Veggie pakora, chicken tikka bites, spring rolls, sausage rolls, chicken mayo wraps, cocktail sticks with sausages, cheese and pickled onions and a couple of little ham sandwhiches :)

Didn't eat loads cause of my diet, but I ate enough to be satisfied :)
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Nom nom...


Not so much right now, but a worth heads up I think. Ordered Dominos last night, feed "four" for £5 each mean deal. Gotta love it.

Anyway, had my pizza half n half. Half Texas BBQ, the other their new Chimichurri. I have to say, the Chimichurri really wasn't that nice. IMO, avoid at all costs.
It was ok, I mean it wasn't delicious. it was just 'meh'

It tasted abit bland too, Chimichurri is only parsley, garlic & olive oil I think so nothing spectacular!

And it looked abit rank just slopped over the pizza! :p
Hmmm. That does sound a bit boring. I usually prefer pizzas with a bit of spice to them. Or at least some interesting flavours.

Think I'll give that one a miss. Thanks for the heads up :)
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