The **Now Eating** Thread

Why do they bother with breakfast?

McDonalds? dont know, even with my love of fast food the only thing id have is the bacon muffin, and once you chuck that nasty egg in the bin it = very bad value for money,
the sausage in the muffins is rank, and their bacon roll has no 'fast food' or unique style to it, id make better at home for 1/4 the cash
taste ok though, cajun spicy chicken and sweet peppers, whats not to like?
should have gone and got KFC though tbh :D know I'm a food snob :p but often your take away pizzas actually do look pretty damn good.

In theory the things you listed sound nice but if the pizza base is blah then I imagine I'd be all "waa" about it :)

i think he poured Ribina over it :D

That would actually make sense :eek: The juice/meat is crazy purple.
Home cooked or made for you somewhere? :)

Yeah cooked by myself just at home as follows:

Took the meat out ~30min before cooking.
Season and oil both sides generously.
Roaring hot pan, just so it's about to start smoking.
Meat in, and just leave it for about 3 minutes on each side, without moving it.
Then in with a knob of butter with ~30sec to go and baste it.
Leave to rest for about 5 mins and enjoy!
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chips, hash browns and cheese in pitta bread with Tommy K,
im making some room in the freezer for tomorrows shopping @ Iceland..
4 sausage rolls, 2 chicken bakes and 2 chicken curry for £4 :o :D

im wondering how one should dress for entering an Icelands food establishment, should one don one's Nike trainers, burberry cap and full sovereign, whilst having one's bull terrier chained up out side?
one feels that one's Merc might get spat on whilst parked outside, do they offer valet parking?
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