The OCUK anonymous confession thread!

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I realised just over a year ago that Logitech Technical Support was very good... if you had a faulty/broken item, they immediately replaced it and asked you to send part of the old item back to them in Switzerland.

Taking advantage of this, I called up many times during the course of the year, obtaining free products and pretending that I sent the cables/plugs back - no questions were asked...

Last week however, I got an email from Logitech asking for £3000 or to replace all the items, otherwise they will contact their legal department and the authorities in the UK... I am currently in talks with them to replace the items (works out cheaper replacing them than paying the RRP)... but basically I am screwed as I do not have that kind of money

Obviously I do not want to get the authorities involved, because then I would be completely and utterly screwed
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Reply from the Logitech person.

Cheers to those who find my situation hilarious - it really isn't funny! However, Tru deserves a proper "thank you" for being so understanding - cheers mate! :)

I have been told by Logitech that they believe I carried out over 15 false claims, but I think that figure is too high. They will not tell me the products I owe them, so I don't know how I am meant to replace them :s

All the speakers obtained were sold on, so my best bet now is to purchase new ones and send those back to them - I wonder what my Dad will do to me when I have to ask him for the money?

Yeah, Logitech are a bit silly for not asking for receipts etc, but so am I for going this, lol!
I’m in a dilemma.

I don’t think I love my wife anymore even thou she is the best wife i could ask for.

She does everything for me, i mean everything, i dont clean do the garden nothing, this isn’t because i cant be arsed but she is hyper and has to always be doing something, she actually enjoys it.

But why don’t love her, the sex is not great, she’s not willing to do anything different and has a low sex drive, infact its rock bottom and has been for years, this puts a real strain on things, as it used to be awesome not just when we first met, but years after we got married as well, for some reason she lost interest, we have spoke about it but she’s not willing to do anything, i wanted to speak to marriage counsellors but she wouldn’t have any of it.

Its not just the sex, when we got wed we decided not to have kids, that’s 8 years ago now, i have changed my mind, i want a family, im ready now, again she says that she doesn’t want them and will not even speak about it, she fly’s of the handle and goes mental.

Now we have been apart for nearly 2 months with one weekend visit in between due to work, when I got home all I got was moaned at, and I didn’t get any sex at all.

In my heart I don’t think she loves me like she used to, I know she has never cheated on me and I never have on her, however I have been close a few times, she has a lot more to lose than just a marriage, I took her away from a bad area, she gets everything she asks for, we both work but my pay is triple hers so she would lose her life style and would end up back to where she came from.

I dont know what to do i really don’t, do i stay or do i go, i do love her of course i do but shes not what i want any more (how selfish is that)
By the time I was 26 I'd run up approximately £27,000 worth of unsecured debt.

I got my first Visa card when I was 20, I was working full time on around 18K, living at home. Within a couple of years I had a couple more cards and a flexible loan. I was spending a lot but I was managing the payments, (around £300 pm) everything was hunky-dory.

My work situation changed and it was tougher but still possible to meet the payments, unfortunately instead of tightening my belt I cranked it up a bit. I remember taking a 12K loan to pay off 2 Visas and another loan, which I did, but promptly racked up 7K on the Visas again (holidays, tvs, but most of it went on nights out), the next thing I knew I needed to come up with 600+ a month just to service the debt, which was at 27K by this point. I wasn't earning much more than that. I decided that I'd be damned if I was paying all my wages to the bank. So I stopped. This was around Jan 06. Within a couple of months I started getting default notices and bailiff threats (little did they know I only had about 2K worth of gear to show for it) so I took steps towards bankruptcy.

I spoke to the CAB who said I could take out an IVA, it sounded too good to be true. All the debts (essentially) written off and I only have to pay £100 pm for 3 years. Sure my credit rating would be kaput but I'd pretty much had my fill of credit anyway. I added up all my debts and (including some hefty overdrafts and a tax bill) it came to over £37K, I got a solicitor who took care of the rest and I was debt free for the first time in 8 years. \o/

I have to pay back under 4K. Safe to say Abbey National, HBOS and MBNA wont be giving me any money in the near future.

I don't think about it much any more, but very occasionally I look back at the rock star lifestyle I led for 3 years and think, "I'd do it all again"
I think I might be falling for my housemate who's been with her boyfriend for a very long time and sort of lives here. He's a great guy and I get along with him really well. They're having trouble and half of me feels like I should take advantage of it.....The other half says I shouldn't interfer....I have no idea what to do.
Flat "mate" has been ****ing me off recently so last night when he was out I went and disabled the internet adapter on his computer.

He doesn't know much about computers so no Internet for him for a while.

I'm leaving in a few days and I do not plan on telling him what the problem is.
I've had 3 people in close family die, but at the time, and now, I just don't feel anything about it. I feel like I should feel sad, as I'd known them all my life, but especially at one when I was old enouh for my parents to take me to the funeral and when everyone else was crying, I just couldn't feel anything. I acted like I was really upset because I didn't want anyone to know that I felt like that. I feel really guilty but I still can't feel anything about it.
My mum died in 2002 and we were'nt on the best of terms when she died infact i remember her phoning my house from the hospital and making small talk just to talk to me which i wasnt interested in. She said i love you or something like that to which i replied yeah right bye....

A few weeks later she died, i hadnt visited and i hadnt seen her for 6 or so weeks before. i dont really remember much of her anymore just words random images (im 23 nearly). She wasnt well for the 6 years or so before she died and i treated her horribly.

My biggest regrets being that i didnt visit her, 2 weeks before she died my best friend said that you should always make time for your family to which i scoffed at, i regret not saying goodbye not saying that i loved her and that it was ok, that i knew all trouble over the years wasnt her fault. also that i couldnt feel anything for her when she died like others before i felt numb and angry very angry like i didnt care. it took a while but now the feelings are here

and im so very sorry mum
Around 2 years ago I was at work and my manager was out on business for the morning. I was bored and decided to fool around on the managers computer as it was faster than mine and as he was the manager did not have his internet web usage logged by the It adminstrator as did everyone else. Anyhow I messed around for a short while and "came across" his web history on his computer and discovered he had been browsing various porn / fetish sites (nothing illegal I hasten to add) during the working day for a few weeks.

I was shocked and typed up an anonymous letter and when the internal mail girl came round to collect my mail I distracted her and placed this letter in the Managing Directors pile of letters/memos.

When the manager came back in the afternoon within 15 minutes he was summoned to the MD`s office and sacked. The manager then came into our office in a temper and started being agressive and abusive to one of my co-workers who he accused of "grassing him up" to the MD. Of course my colleague denied this so the manager grabbed him by the throat and threw him against a wall and left!

To this day I have never confessed to this and am sorry.
I've recently found out my ISP hasn't been taking payments from my parents debit card. (with their consent of course)

I only found this out because when looking to upgrade our account with the ISP to a faster speed when it notified me that we don't

have our debit/credit card details in. Well that's because we did direct debit over the phone rather than the internet I remembered,
and so I proceeded to check out the invoices section to further investigate and I was greeted with a total of around £300 outstanding.

Whilst we are somewhat responsible for this mishap, my parents have had
absolutely no contact from our ISP to pay this bill. It's as if
they have completely forgotten about us. We've been getting free internet for around 16 months.

Is it their fault for not notifying us that our direct debits were consistently failing for 16 months allowing a bill of £300 to accumulate?,

or is it ours for not notifying them in the event that maybe my parents changed bank or the card expired and didn't notify them?.

I'm really not sure what I should do.

I really don't want this to catch up on us, but at the same time, neither I nor my parents can afford to pay this.
My parents split up when I was about 8. I dont think I took it too bad, but my behaviour at school went downhill. On top of this I also wet the bed until I was about 15. It was so embarrasing and there was nothing I could do about it. One time I fell asleep in a friends house in their chair and wet myself. I dont think anyone noticed but I had to walk home through town. This is probaby the most ashamed I can remember bieng.
Another reply -

i can never say goodbye or make up for what ive done and ill remember it for all my days but it offends me to be called a ****** and worm when the situation that i was in clearly dictated my actions, when i said she wasnt well i didnt mention what the illness was and certain people jumped to conclusions, she had a problem, i wont mention anymore and i didnt want to mention because i dont want people to judge her because it wasnt her fault. As i said the situation dictated the actions, my gran had cancer and the stress didnt help her infact it made her worse she died 5 months before her in feburary. i blamed her for making my granny worse. But now im older what i said before is how i feel but at the time i was soo very angry

i still miss her and my granny and i love them both but i know what happened was for the best for me and my famliy
I am a bad person, I ised the have this very close female friend who I had a thing for. Unfortunately I also got a nasty pleasure out of seeing her hurt because it made me feel better about my own problems in life. When I had a problem that mentally I couldn't deal with, I would ring her up and persuade her to come over to my place, with the full intention of sleeping with her for a few nights, before breaking it off harshly a short while later. She was miserable about it, but because she is an insecure person, she kept coming back time and again. One night when I was feeling particularly bad, while I was in the middle of screwing her, I made her mobile dial the number of her boyfriend at the time, to force them to break up. It worked, unfortunately the next time I saw her she was in hospital, having taken an overdose. I never got the blame for this, she simply assumed that one of us had lay on her bag and it had somehow re-dialled the last number.

I done this for a period of three years constantly playing with her emotions. Looking back on it I do realise I was being a complete ******* to her and should possibly be castrated for my sins. I'd like to take this opertunity to say at least in this little way, I am sorry for what I've done and that she definately didn't deserve it. I would love to be able to confess to her face-to-face, but I can't because to this day she remains a good friend of mine and is always there for me when I need help and I can't risk losing that.

I hate myself.

Theres this girl that I like and Ive liked her for a long time, a really long time. We've been good friends ever since we met and she's my best friend. I told her a while back that I liked her and as you can imagine i was really scared of rejection or that we would grow apart because of it.

Something I should add just now is that she has a boyfriend and they've been together for quite a while. So I obviously wasnt expecting her to ditch him for me, she's happy with him and there'd be something wrong with me if I couldnt accept that.

Now ever since I've told her she's been really cool about it, like you would expect a best friend to act like about it. Also since I told her we've grew even closer. This niceness on her part has made my feelings for her grow even more. Im not the kind of guy that takes the idea of love lightly and I dont go around sayin it when I dont mean it, but...I really think I love this girl.

As I previously said she has a boyfriend who also happens to be one my friends, not a really close friend just someone I talk to a lot at school. He's a really cool guy most of the time and on the surface seems to be the perfect guy. The thing is, he's anything but. I know a lot of what Im about to say is going to sound like jelousy, which I suppose it is to a degree, but Im not the only person who thinks like this. A lot of this also comes from her.

He treats her like **** almost every day. He constantly ditches her to follow his own interests but always expects her to drop everything shes doing for him. It seems like every second day he really upsets her, making her cry and such. He lies to her about things all the time and is basically a control freak. Its pretty obvious that he dosnt feel the same about her as she does about him. From an outsiders point of view it seems as though he is only staying with her so he can make himself feel better by exploiting her feelings. Also from an outsiders view, and even from her own, this relationship isnt going to last much longer. However, even though he treats her like this she still puts in lots of effort to be with him and obviously she loves him.

I KNOW I can treat her better than this. I would do anything for this girl.

The thing I hate the most in this whole thing though is myself. I hate having these feelings for her as I know that they won't lead anywhere good. Even though we're best friends I dont think she feels the same way about me or that she ever will. But still I like her and will always have this small hope that she will like me. This small hope will be my biggest downfall because when/if she finnishes with her current boyfriend I highly doubt she'll want to go with me, so when she moves onto another guy it will kill me. I know its gonna be really difficult for me but I still want to stand by her even if its just as a friend. I just wish I didnt feel this way towards her but I cant help it and I feel like its dragging me down.
I recently got Banned from a forum for a really stupid reason. I got involved with a couple of people who had a chip on their shoulder with the owner of the forum, and helped them spread their malicious word, for that, I am sorry. I dont expect to be forgiven for my deadliest of sins!
I've been with my girlfriend for 5 years now, love her to bits, but sex life is non-existent. It has always been this way, although she tried harder at first, now its a real struggle to do anything, to the point where she gets in a mood from me nagging. Have tried everything, she just has no sex drive, or interest in sex. she has never cheated, nor have I. Tried romantic thing, even went to Relate, but we moved so that put an end to that. She doesn't want to go back as she feels its a waste of money and sees it as pointless as she is incurable. I'm not sure what I'm going to do, I have needs but love her.
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