The OcUK Summer BBQ Meet-Details

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Gah, leave me alone, I'm mid-crisis at work... A RAID-5 array has ruined my life... Or at least, my planned time off this week. And my weekend.

Not disks, the controller itself. Server rebooted for something, came back up DEAD slow. Somehow it destroyed a mirrored pair (system partition), which recovered fine after a quick repair, but the RAID-5 array containing the (Exchange 5.5 :() database appears completely destroyed, logically.

Quick boot into Suse Live (getting difficult to boot now, as the controller POST sometimes hangs) reveals that it can only see the block device with no partitions on it :/

Just did a complete scrub, and am on my way back to site to see what that's done.

Anyway, how's that for a hijack :D
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