The OcUK Summer BBQ Meet-Details

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Freefaller said:
If I can pitch in somebody's tent I'll be there :)

Though I don't know about being able to do the Friday or Monday yet.

I'm sure there'll be no shortage of offers. Friendly bloke is our Will ;)
BrenOS said:
I'm sure there'll be no shortage of offers. Friendly bloke is our Will ;)

Awww bless :o

Thanks for the offers - I'll have to check on dates and etc, though I see no reason why I shouldn't be able to make it :)
the lack of tent it my main concern too, trying to check if my sis has one, i know her friend has a nice massive tent which i might be able to nick and bring along :)
I'll probably end up buying a tent in a month or so's time, not got the money spare at the moment :( Plus no idea what to look for lol.
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