I've tried listening a few times for 3Y0J but I've not heard them at all, they're going off tomorrow when they run out of fuel and that'll be it. It's been a nightmare, all they've managed to do is get two stations on with small aerials and 100W instead of the twelve they planned running 1500W. It's been like a zoo, listening to the DQRM and the 'up' police. It's easy to be an armchair critic but I'm amazed at the updates that have come from Bouvet where the team seem surprised by the conditions.
They've done well to even make the activation considering a group sailed there last year and couldn't land but they just seem a bit ill prepared. They've not even been able to get FT8 working correctly, running in F/H mode and transmitting at the wrong period. They've been asking people not to fill slots so as to give as many ATNOs as possible but there are still some muppets who have been boasting about multiple slots.
It's good that FT8WW has been able to carry on. I was very frustrated on Thursday when I was trying to work him on 15m FT8, he sent me a report twice and that was it, I didn't get a 73 and I wasn't in his log upload on Saturday morning and so I tried again yesterday afternoon. That was even worse, he sent me a report once and then straight on to another person with no 73 but when he uploaded this morning, he's logged that one. There's just no consistency in his operation but at least I bagged Crozet Island for an ATNO (#3 in the most wanted).
I'm trying to use less FT8 this year, as I did last year but sometimes there's no other option for DXPeditions like this.
In other news, I'm now decided on a SteppIR UrbanBeam (see attachment) to replace the Hexbeam along with an automatic tilt-plate so I can easily lower the mast. It'll be a big job to do all the work and no doubt will take a couple of weekends (or longer) to complete everything. I'm going to take the opportunity to replace the questionable quality RG213 that I originally used with HyperFlex 10 and to make some new GM3SEK chokes. The SteppIR will give me all the bands that the Hex has with the addition of a folded dipole for 30m. I do have a dipole up for 30m already but it's fixed east-west and lower than this will be. It'll also free up some poles and mountings where I'll fit a horizontal loop to my smartuner for top band and 80m. Of course, it'll be a bit of a cloudwarmer as it'll be low but at least it should get me on those bands.
This weekend was (and technically still is) CQ WPX RTTY. I've put in an entry for 15m and although there were plenty of USA stations on, I was disappointed by the lack of far east stations and practically nothing in south america either. I only worked 47 countries.