*** The Official Battlefield 2042 thread***

I'll wait til the next one. :)

Hah, you have faith the next one will improve.

BF2042, whilst better is still not a great battlefield game but with them being a new team in Dice clothes I wouldn't expect the next one to be much better.

Even BF1 and V didn't start out all that good and only got better as time progressed.
Battlefield is like AMD drivers - fine wine - every iteration starts out crap (I've played them all since BF2 in 2005) and after 18 months they're all good
It's too little too late, though. The player base drops off a cliff and nobody really cares if it's good or not by that point.

I hopped on for an hour or so the other day and while it's a better game than on release, it's miles off the quality and fun aspect of the older titles.
18 months later they finally roll out a decent patch that changes the very premise of the game they set out with... lol.

Next BF will be announced soon right? Assuming they're going to stick with squeezing **** out of a stone.
Battlefield is like AMD drivers - fine wine - every iteration starts out crap (I've played them all since BF2 in 2005) and after 18 months they're all good

Last decent BF was 4/HArdline - anything after that has been drivel. Found free indy shooters with better hit reg. 2042 is a 'shooterd' not a shooter.
So you think BF1 is rubbish then? It's probably the best FPS ever made
you think best shooter ever made!

Nah - rubbish hit reg went out of the window after 4 when they centralized servers. BF4 you could set ping limits and all sorts of stuff. Didn't like WW1 either - Guess we were spoilt with Modern warfare in 2,3 & 4 and the mods that you could play on BF3. Then went to clunky WW1. 2142 - too futuristic and went away from realism of modern warfare based more towards reality regarding weapons & vehicles etc.

Lots of pvp shooters better than BF since 4.

What's the hit reg in 2042 like now? Cross play also ruins a shooter as much as people not keeping to game regions and playing pvp with 300 ping.

Bf4 you could set the server so any ping +100 for 15 secs would auto kick - now you just gotta put up with folk making servers laggy and far from the experience sought to be as close to a LAN as possible when broadband came out. May as well get a console and chop your arms off at the elbows.
BF1 was fun but I always maintain that people hid behind 'so immersive, incredible atmopshere etc.' as to what was actually a pretty average BF game once you got passed that.

So many of the weapons were either completely useless or just the same thing with a bayonet.
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Titans on frostbite would be awesome but think of the lag :cry: .
Titans.. That's right! Couldn't remember it. Must be getting old or something. :cry:

If a 2142 mod came out on Frostbite that would be amazing if done right. I wonder what EA/Dice got planned for the next BF?

Also, didn't BF2142 start the collecting of dog tags? I remember you could see them all in your profile.
Hit reg seems much better now, i seem to kill people much quicker and defo die much quicker lol im still utter poop at the game but the patch has made it MUCH more fun and playable, it feels like a good pvp fps now.

Still dosnt really feel like any of the other battlefields as lack of destruction etc but it IS a FUN game to play now, just dont think of it as a battlefield game and you will love it lol
it IS a FUN game to play now, just dont think of it as a battlefield game and you will love it lol
Yup, i'ts certainly got the goofing about and not so serious playstyle back from 3/4. Helps the EOD and defibs are back, bush ambushes on Orbital are hilarious when you get them right.

Swearies on this, sound discretion needed.

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