*** The Official Battlefield 2042 thread***

This thread makes me want to re-install Planetside 2.... oh the scale. Thats what they need in battlefield.
I'd love a persistent, huge map across maybe 10Km by 10Km with airfields, several towns, loads of choke points and little houses etc. You could combine many of the maps they already have into one big map that has all three sides fighting for supremacy just like Planetside. It would need careful balancing, seeing 14 tanks, 4 attack helicopters and 6 APC's all streaming towards your checkpoint wouldn't be fun at all.
Will BF6 be up to date and not some 100 year old war like BF1? Thats whats so good about BF4, not having a tank which goes at walking pace.

But then you have to deal with being locked onto every half a second by infantry, other tanks, planes, helicopters etc. I think when playing a vehicle in modern day Bf games the sound you hear more than anything else is the lock on alarm.
Main issue is the skill levels are too low for players.
so one side can dominate due to better pilots takes out tanks.
or if a few good tank drivers can dominate as the other team play snipers.
Leading to the issue with big maps.

BC2 worked better as you could take out helis and remove them as a treat.
BF maps that are more narrow, usually indoors also remove the tanks and air issues.

Remove planes, use heli only as transport.
Limit number of tanks.

Not saying its easy to balance stuff.
Main issue with BF is you cant take out helis easily and planes.
Good pilots simply wont be shot down unless you have a team that focus them down.
usually never happens.
I found the gun customisation in BFV utterly crap.

I don't even bother to use the customisation for the guns that's how utterly rubbish the system is.

The best ever gun customisation in a fps game was COD Modern Warfare.
Some things i'd like to see:

Ability to lock down a vehicle to stop people spawning in it. This is one thing that massively gets on my **** especially when i'm in a tank. More often than not i get someone presumably with adhd in the machine gunner seat constantly firing at absolutely nothing. WHY?? It's an annoyance and in some cases gets me destroyed especially if i've dumped smoke cannisters to try and beat a retreat and the muppet in the mg seat is still firing at nothing which gives the enemies a target to hit me through the smoke via the muzzle flash and tracers. It used to be in these games if a gunner was firing his gun he was actually firing at something and you took notice of it, now you barely take any notice because more often than not they're firing for the sake of firing.

Get rid of these sad, gimmicky movement mechanics. BFV has some utterly retarded looking little knee slide system which a lot of people are of the opinion messes with the hit detection, in some instances it also seems to speed up movement. Apparently during the course of ww2 the battlefield was made exclusively of highly polished surfaces that let soldiers slide along on. What the hell is the point of this? Besides looking utterly stupid and leading to some questionable hit detection.

Do we really need all these uninterruptible animations that make you temporarily lose control of your character while it plays out? Squad revive and medic revive being 2 obvious ones. Then you have animations for getting in and out of vehicles, ejecting from aircraft etc. I get they're trying to add a bit of realism to some areas but it just slows the game down and adds situations where you're vulnerable to enemy fire and it's not as if you can cancel out of the animation either, once you hit the button you have to see how it plays out, which again is just taking control away from the player.
Reinstalled bf 5 there since free with microsoft game pass now and LOL at how ******* awfully terribly **** it is....

Cheaters in every match I played there.

Sadly does seem like if you want to play any kind of PVP game these days, console is the best platform for it :o
would just love to see great maps and most importantly Vehicle vs Infantry balance. its been a issue since bf3. vehicles way too over powered. atleast in bfbc2 you had balance. bf3 onwards was just take a jet mop up or take a tank in bf4 bf1 and sit off and spank spawns. so balance would make for a far better experience. infantry after all is 90 percent of the people playing in the round.
I played 1942 and the one after that, then played BFv and actually enjoyed it Tbh, play with s few people on discord.

Got BF3 and it's so clunky.

Hopefully BF6 will be good but it'll cost a stupid amount so doubt I'll get it
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Do you think they will keep it on point though, or go into the realms of what if technology and a bit silly?

Personally I prefer "realistic" fiction; I guess a bit like how COD has gone into "near future" in past games.
Starts to get a bit stupid; its one of the reason's I've always like WW2 shooters; can be realistic; great locations, etc although it always felt like there were areas missing from BF5, would have loved a D-Day/Normandy Map and the things like the Battle for Berlin
I'd love a persistent, huge map across maybe 10Km by 10Km with airfields, several towns, loads of choke points and little houses etc. You could combine many of the maps they already have into one big map that has all three sides fighting for supremacy just like Planetside. It would need careful balancing, seeing 14 tanks, 4 attack helicopters and 6 APC's all streaming towards your checkpoint wouldn't be fun at all.
Keep an eye on this then


I'm actually quite excited for it...even though BF-V was so poorly received.. I've actually ended up plowing more hours into it than the other BF games and still get my kicks out of it now.... well when you dont end up in a server with some cheat with their 140-0 KDR :rolleyes::D
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