*** The Official Battlefield 2042 thread***

Community serverrs are the answer if they are run well

run badly they become a clan willy waggle and anyone half decent is kicked if they threaten the clans scores
What I have said time and again on this forum.

You ban anyone who is caught cheating, not just ban them from the game they are cheating in, but ban them from every game you ever make, past, present and future. Then all the various game companies make a mutual agreement that anyone caught cheating isnt banned only from that 1 companies games but every companies games, past, present and future.

You ban every payment form they use, if they bought the game using paypal, you ban that paypal account from ever buying any game again, if they paid by credit card you ban that card from ever buying any game ever again.

You also hardware ban them, again, from every game ever.

You put the email address of anyone banned onto a centrally located list of banned users, searchable so that anyone can perform a search of someones email to see if they are banned for cheating anywhere.

These are just some ways (there are more that I can give) which , if companies are truly serious about stopping cheats, could do. However, none of the above will ever happen because the bottom line is that companies are not truly serious about stopping cheats, all they actually want to do is be "seen" to be doing something, no matter how small, so..just enough. On top of that, lets face it, when a company releases a press statement like "we've banned 65,000 accounts this month for cheating" , how do we even really know that they have banned 65,000 accounts for cheating. We only have their word for it, it might only be 5,000. Who knows...
That’s way out of the top!!

It’s not as if they slept with your missus! Damm !! People get away less for that then what your proposing for cheating in a damm video game.

Whoop whoop they cheat on some video game online.. come on man its a video game….

Just ban there account on the game and that’s it.
That’s way out of the top!!

It’s not as if they slept with your missus! Damm !! People get away less for that then what your proposing for cheating in a damm video game.

Whoop whoop they cheat on some video game online.. come on man its a video game….

Just ban there account on the game and that’s it.

Well like I say, if stopping cheating is to be taken seriously then it needs to be taken seriously. Then again, I'm a very strict person when it comes to countering wrong doings, I cant be having with all the weak ways of dealing with stuff and then moaning when stuff keeps happening, I prefer a hard stick approach to dealing with wrongs than a feather approach and then being shocked when the wrongs continue. Just different approaches to dealing with things is all, imo if you want people to stop doing something and understand that what they are doing will not be condoned, then you get serious, otherwise you're just condoning it and allowing it to continue and if thats the case then they should stop whining about it when it happens.:)
Well like I say, if stopping cheating is to be taken seriously then it needs to be taken seriously. Then again, I'm a very strict person when it comes to countering wrong doings, I cant be having with all the weak ways of dealing with stuff and then moaning when stuff keeps happening, I prefer a hard stick approach to dealing with wrongs than a feather approach and then being shocked when the wrongs continue. Just different approaches to dealing with things is all, imo if you want people to stop doing something and understand that what they are doing will not be condoned, then you get serious, otherwise you're just condoning it and allowing it to continue and if thats the case then they should stop whining about it when it happens.:)
Banning them from playing the game Is already serious
Banning them from playing the game Is already serious

I would entirely disagree, in fact I would say that just banning them from the game has categorically been shown to not reduce cheating at all, if it had then we wouldnt even be having this conversation. All that banning them from the game achieves is to bring the game company more money because the banned player goes and buys another copy of the game and rebuys the cosmetics etc that they bought the first time round.

However this is a dead end conversation because you and I will never come to an agreement on it. I'm fairly certain that strong punishments reduce wrongdoings more effectively than weaker punishments. So we'll just have to agree to disagree on the most effective way to reduce cheating. :)
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Ban the origin account should be the punishment that way they lose every game associated with it

Even that would be more effective than just banning them on the one game yeah. If you want people to get it into their thick heads that what they are doing is wrong, then you have to start making them think twice about what they are doing, enforcing significant loss on them is the best way to make them think twice and garner a stronger sense of right and wrong in their faulty brains :D
Ban the origin account should be the punishment that way they lose every game associated with it

origina ea wouldnt want that as it limits sales. which is why no company will do it. many companies could make it not worth cheating but they want your money first. so majority of limting factors are not done. anticheat for eg is often handed out to third parties because of the cost. why spend profit on making a anticheat ? just farm it out to smaller companies. this is sadly why cheating wont go away. its a massive business now.

region locks would cut down cheating for some games. especially where certain regions are known for cheating but sadly you would still have them regardless if just even uk or europe.

i actually think there should be a law for companies selling games to make their own anticheat. with their own game as part of the parcel off making bazzilions selling it. if the real big companies actually focused on hammering down on cheats they could do a big number on them. the problem is it always comes down to money and why as said at the start would you waste your own profit ?

call of duty is the prime eg. no anticheat in a game that makes billions. i just hope battlefield isnt the same and does the same.
origina ea wouldnt want that as it limits sales. which is why no company will do it. many companies could make it not worth cheating but they want your money first. so majority of limting factors are not done. anticheat for eg is often handed out to third parties because of the cost. why spend profit on making a anticheat ? just farm it out to smaller companies. this is sadly why cheating wont go away. its a massive business now.

Spot on Dg. This is exactly why I always say that the game companies are not serious about preventing cheating. They simply arent. All they care about is being seen to be doing something, usually the bare minimum, just enough to suggest that they are doing "something" , purely to counter negative press on cheating. But thats all, just the minimum. Nothing more serious than that because anything more than that will hit sales harder, require more effort and more co-ordination. Its not, and never has been, that they cant stop cheating, its that they wont.
as esports grows and viewing grows esports will become gigantic at some point soon with olympics and billions of views the tv rights and sponsers may force their hand to make it a priority to stop cheating. some companies are starting to do so because of what i just said. fingers crossed.
hoping for a Map similar to Metro.
without jets etc.

The thing that really excites me map wise, is that video where it shows the map sizes in comparison to past BF maps, I've long since moaned about how the maps are smaller, especially when compared to gigantic maps like El Alamein from Bf1942, so it was awesome to see that the largest BF2042 map is 60% larger than the El Alamein map (the current largest map in any BF game)
The thing that really excites me map wise, is that video where it shows the map sizes in comparison to past BF maps, I've long since moaned about how the maps are smaller, especially when compared to gigantic maps like El Alamein from Bf1942, so it was awesome to see that the largest BF2042 map is 60% larger than the El Alamein map (the current largest map in any BF game)
Ive never played Bf1942. my first battlefield was Bad Company 2 i think and then BF3 or opposite order.
played BF4 and gave up on it.

excited for new one tho.
as esports grows and viewing grows esports will become gigantic at some point soon with olympics and billions of views the tv rights and sponsers may force their hand to make it a priority to stop cheating. some companies are starting to do so because of what i just said. fingers crossed.

bf has never been an esports title sadly but maybe the new mode will be
bf has never been an esports title sadly but maybe the new mode will be

many movements behind scenes are getting big games ready for esports or mass viewing. its the future tbh for many big games. your fav games on biggest channels to view live. think future. twitch for eg many millions go and watch gamers play. it will happen at some point once enough money is involved.

olympics for games is just starting. i can remember saying that would happen twenty years ago. many people saying video games not the same as sports atheletics for eg. its happening.
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