That totally sucks. They will have to change something there, if someone who doesn't know what he is doing can fly about with impunity can you imagine how bad it will be when the pros have mastered it down to a fine art?
I've tried it and it works as easily in the video, the bomber reloads really quick so you just do a run, reload at the reload points and back again for more bombs to drop. You're basically zipping from one reload point at one end of the map to the other and back again. Only hard part is spotting infantry, but if you bomb zones being capped you almost certainly get a few kills. =\.
And in that video that was only the starting loadout, it can drop much larger bombs with bigger blast radius, not sure how quick those reload though.
They either need to make aa more effective or do away with the 3rd person crosshair.
The guy in the vid is pretty good in planes in past bf games, but they've made bombers ridiculously easy to use and incredibly accurate.