*** The Official Battlefield 5 thread***

That totally sucks. They will have to change something there, if someone who doesn't know what he is doing can fly about with impunity can you imagine how bad it will be when the pros have mastered it down to a fine art?

I've tried it and it works as easily in the video, the bomber reloads really quick so you just do a run, reload at the reload points and back again for more bombs to drop. You're basically zipping from one reload point at one end of the map to the other and back again. Only hard part is spotting infantry, but if you bomb zones being capped you almost certainly get a few kills. =\.

And in that video that was only the starting loadout, it can drop much larger bombs with bigger blast radius, not sure how quick those reload though.

They either need to make aa more effective or do away with the 3rd person crosshair.

The guy in the vid is pretty good in planes in past bf games, but they've made bombers ridiculously easy to use and incredibly accurate.
vehicles over infantry. why are you even surprised ?

Vehicles are obviously going to be stronger than infantry. It's more about the ease in which the bombers can be used. Running into that kind of thing time and time again would get really old fast.
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That's just dreamland. But its a dream I'm very much on board with! MOHAA was amazing, I don't think I'll ever experience a game that hooked me in as much as that.

First ever footage released of MOHAA, i remember seeing this back when i was playing dod and having to pick my jaw off the ground, the difference between the 2 graphically was night and day.

That vid shows a few things that never made it into the final game, the camera system, you can see the gun bobbing around and its not just bolted to the screen, it also dips down when the character runs, that was something they wanted to get into the final game but caused too many clipping issues, the "camera" was more or less attached to the outer portion of the character model instead of inside the head\upper chest as was standard. Prone was in the game originally but was only animated for the M1 garand, to do the rest of the weapons animations would have taken an additional month or so and the game was already delayed once so it was removed. And the bridge at the end, apparently that map was so big the bridge basically took up near all the playable space and the map ended just to the left and right of the screen.

Would love to see how it would look on a modern engine like Frostbite.

Mack's reviews are very hit and miss, but he's entertaining nonetheless.

Funnily enough, he gave BF1 a thumbs-up, despite it being a step backwards from past iterations. BF5 is a step in the right direction, and will get better with time.

The more videos of his I watch the more I realise he doesn't really know what hes talking about.

He's found his niche market, hate on current games and relish in the days of old and unfortunately his little followers lap it up.
And the bridge at the end, apparently that map was so big the bridge basically took up near all the playable space and the map ended just to the left and right of the screen.

Big maps were always a bit of an issue with the idtech3 engine - initially IIRC the map bounds were +/-4096 (around 256 meters) later with the expanded terrain support the bounds were increased to +/-65536 (2km) but I can't remember if it ever officially supported larger than that - I had my own version of the compile tools that could do 8x larger again (rather nasty screenshot but it was just to test http://www.aten-hosted.com/images/shot0504.jpg ). Engine also had limited LOD systems suitable for large maps and limited ability to stream assets in/out in large open areas (other than abusing bugs in the engine to that end).
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A lot of hate for BF1. I personally really liked it.
BF4 is best though (of the new generations).

I loved BF1 my main gripe was the lack of content which drove me away for a period of 3 months. People get bored when they don't have something to work towards and some of the assignments were just plain silly and not fun at all.
I have an odd relationship with this game. There are times when i rage like **** and absolutely hate it, and then times when i just about tolerate it. I dont particularly like the speed of the game, its too fast, too chaotic and generally just mental. At least the chances of being revived has improved slightly, but other medics are still more interested in doing there own. Maybe im too old for this style of game now. I think its clear to see that its unfinished (isnt every game), there are too many annoyances such as revive bugs and general glitchyness. Its a shame, but to be honest i didnt hold much hope for it myself. I'll keep dropping in and out and play the odd game here and there, but this isnt the Battlefield i wanted, im not sure what is now lol.
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That WAB video has already been posted 3 times on the previous page.

If you wanted a good battlefield review guys, then this isn't it. It's just a self entitled rant from someone who doesn't appear to be a good player. ;)
I didn't really like the Beta, but got Origin Access for a month to the get 10 hour trial. Really enjoying it! Just a shame my friends don't play BF any more after BF1
is BF V available to play now?
If you have origin access you have a 10 hour trial, if you have access premier you have the full...kinda... game now.

Loving this map :)
Just in case anyone is interested. Here are my graphics settings, using 1800X @4040MHz, 16GB RAM @ 3230 14,14,14,28,44,1T, 1080Ti @ +100 & +250

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