*** The Official Battlefield 5 thread***

My Churchill gun carrier somehow got stuck to the side of a wall earlier couldn't get off it nomatter what, inevitably got panzerfaust spam to death :mad:
And well done dice on breaking tank resupply stations, if they are destroyed you cant rebuild them now. Another bug that slipped through their "extensive playtesting". :rolleyes:
It's laughable really that one of the most well known game studios and publishers can collectively push out something quite this bad :p

Might be the same studio but it lost around 40 devs a few years back, i think quite a lot working on battlefield games these days are new-ish to it.

EA making them push it out so they have an end of year big game doesn't help matters either.
So which is the better API to us, DX11 or DX12?

I read contrasting things.

I've recently bought BFV during the weekend with a friend, the game runs better on DX11 for me than it does on DX12 on same settings.
Playing on Ultra with Vsync and Memory restriction off at 1440p on Vega64 getting 80 fps average on DX11, on DX12 I was getting between 40-70 fps.
I sent a few screenshots regarding the infinite loading bug... Mainly the one between levels, when it loads the old map and you get two loading symbols in top right corner.

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46m46 minutes ago
Replying to @Indie_RetroNEWS
Hi there, apologies for the late reply. This is currently under investigation and we are working on getting it fixed as soon as possible. -Ana
Wow those TTK changes are completely destroying any SMG buffs the Medic got, anything low ROF or low mag is going to be utter and complete trash now.

DICE don't have a clue what they're doing, that much is obvious. They tend to think the dropping player numbers are based on the low TTK, when in reality it's probably more to do with the abundant other issues the game has. So ignorant.
It's laughable really that one of the most well known game studios and publishers can collectively push out something quite this bad :p

It's just a poor decision to release this early. It is both buggy and lacking in content, it could probably have done with an extra 6 months to be honest but big game publishers want games every two years now.
It's just a poor decision to release this early. It is both buggy and lacking in content, it could probably have done with an extra 6 months to be honest but big game publishers want games every two years now.

They must be realising by now that it's costing them sales. Since BF3 each release has become progressively worse, to the point where we're now at BFV and sales are the worst yet of the series, people just hold out for a few months/don't even bother.

Fast internet and 'patches' seems to have given the entire gaming industry an 'oh we'll fix it later' attitude where just the core base game just about works on release and everything else can be fixed 6 months later through several stages of patches.

Much preferred the good old days of discs, devs had to actually finish a game and test it well before it went to production on a disc, as once it was for sale, there was little to no coming back. Most games just worked on day one.

bah humbug! :P
They must be realising by now that it's costing them sales. Since BF3 each release has become progressively worse, to the point where we're now at BFV and sales are the worst yet of the series, people just hold out for a few months/don't even bother.

Fast internet and 'patches' seems to have given the entire gaming industry an 'oh we'll fix it later' attitude where just the core base game just about works on release and everything else can be fixed 6 months later through several stages of patches.

Much preferred the good old days of discs, devs had to actually finish a game and test it well before it went to production on a disc, as once it was for sale, there was little to no coming back. Most games just worked on day one.

bah humbug! :p

Amen brother!
It's amazing how conquest has deteriorated to mass rushes to one flag then onto the next with absolutely nobody on defence, capture c move onto d, as they're leaving c it starts to get retaken, does anyone try to contest it? Do they ****. :rolleyes:
It's amazing how conquest has deteriorated to mass rushes to one flag then onto the next with absolutely nobody on defence, capture c move onto d, as they're leaving c it starts to get retaken, does anyone try to contest it? Do they ****. :rolleyes:

Amen brother!

Seriously though, i've lost count how many games I shout "Hold the advantage!" to the headless chickens just running from flag to flag.
Amen brother!

Seriously though, i've lost count how many games I shout "Hold the advantage!" to the headless chickens just running from flag to flag.

I'm starting to come to the conclusion that "Holding the advantage" is nearly impossible. Lets say you have 4 flags held, you could have 2 squads dedicated to defending each flag. 8 players will quickly get overwhelmed by a 32 player zerg. Holding a line across the map seems particularly difficult as well, especially if there are planes on the map, one player parachuting on a backcap for a "losing" team can quickly turn the tables given the catchup mechanic capture speed (Especially if one of their mates joins them). Slipping round flanks in the absence of the spotting mechanic can be easier too. The other advantage of the zerg is the safety in numbers and the higher likelihood of a blueberry medic picking you up if you're the one who cops the fire. I'm starting to think the meta is to get spawn beacons strategically placed around the map while appearing to lose, and then just abuse the catchup mechanic and your spawn beacons.

I've not tried the new TTK yet, but I have concerns. Aside from SMGs being useless again, any automatic gun with significant horizontal recoil will struggle, and any gun with a small mag could see you reloading before you've got a second kill from a mag (unless you're a headshot pro). High fire rate large mag guns should do well.
It's amazing how conquest has deteriorated to mass rushes to one flag then onto the next with absolutely nobody on defence, capture c move onto d, as they're leaving c it starts to get retaken, does anyone try to contest it? Do they ****. :rolleyes:

I remember it being like this on BF3 as well back in the day.

I played BF1 for 30 hours before deciding it was dog****. I have played a massive 15 hours of BFV and realised again it is dog****.

I havent played it since November the 17th, it was bad then and it doesnt seem much better now to bew honest. We should all just stop playing it (those that dont enjoy it).
So i really enjoyed my month with the game via origin premier but i let my sub run out but bought the game only to get a refund 2 days later as i just had no interest anymore.
Gunplay is great but the game just lacks content and not having iconic WW2 locations is one of the most idiotic dev decisions ive ever seen.
Ill be back when we get more content but meanwhile Insurgency Sandstorm gives me my fps fix.
I'm starting to come to the conclusion that "Holding the advantage" is nearly impossible. Lets say you have 4 flags held, you could have 2 squads dedicated to defending each flag. 8 players will quickly get overwhelmed by a 32 player zerg. Holding a line across the map seems particularly difficult as well, especially if there are planes on the map, one player parachuting on a backcap for a "losing" team can quickly turn the tables given the catchup mechanic capture speed (Especially if one of their mates joins them). Slipping round flanks in the absence of the spotting mechanic can be easier too. The other advantage of the zerg is the safety in numbers and the higher likelihood of a blueberry medic picking you up if you're the one who cops the fire. I'm starting to think the meta is to get spawn beacons strategically placed around the map while appearing to lose, and then just abuse the catchup mechanic and your spawn beacons.

You don’t need a squad on each flag/objective, you just need split across the front keeping them at bay. If there’s a flank then yeah, break off a squad or so to go deal with it. But mostly you’ll keep them at bay for quite some time. Admittedly it’s map dependant, but the Hanger map is a good example where it can easily work.

If you do get flanked and lose a flag, deal with it, get the advantage and hold. Rinse and repeat. It’s more effective getting kills whilst defending a flag than it is attacking one (assuming it isn’t swarmed) and whilst getting these kills the enemy is also losing points through minority flags.

It’s better than having the majority and splitting off running to the next one leaving a massive hole of chaos. My point being, there is almost zero order in this game compared to even BF3 or BF4, and they were far from perfect.

Forgot about the catch up mechanic... ******* BS that is lol. I actually prefer the Airships, Dreadnaughts and Trains in BF1 if I’m honest!
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