Game worth playing yet?
Is that mercury map the only new one the game has had since release?!
It's better than it was, but not much better.
Visibility has improved
Movement has improved
Attrition has been slightly toned down.
There have been a couple of interesting weapons added, but you needed to complete assignments to unlock them.
There have been some good game modes added IMO (grind, squad conquest, rush), but DICE have a habit of removing them after 2 weeks to "avoid splitting the playerbase".
Firestorm isn't bad per-se, but it has no place in a mainline battlefield, and does not attract the same playerbase.
Conquest assault was taken out back and put down. Hamada now has conquest, it's still unbalanced, but not as bad as before.
There was panzerstorm added months ago if you haven't played that map, but it's a torrid affair if you play infantry, and is probably better in grand ops than conquest.
New map tomorrow which might be good, but on it's own won't save the game, the other June maps and modes I suspect are exclusively for sweaty pro mode (incursions2)
Probably the most poisonous thing about the game after the cuckoo that is firestorm is the weekly assignments which is where the new weapons come, forcing people to play maps, modes and play styles they don't necessarily want to play. As everyone ends up trying to achieve the same thing at the same time, you can end up with a team of assaults all trying to get a turret disable on a tank or something equally unhelpful for those players who prefer the daily challenge of PTFO and win.
I suspect the real new meat for traditional players will be in the Autumn release with new factions, maps and free custom servers.