*** The Official Battlefield 5 thread***

I'm betting reskin as well unfortunately, I didn't like the BF1 setting wished it was WW2, now we're probably getting WW2 I'm wishing it was BFBC2. BF WW2 will just feel like a content drop for BF1, they'll have to make some massive changes to keep it feeling fresh and evolved otherwise I can see it getting boring quick.
I'm betting reskin as well unfortunately, I didn't like the BF1 setting wished it was WW2, now we're probably getting WW2 I'm wishing it was BFBC2. BF WW2 will just feel like a content drop for BF1, they'll have to make some massive changes to keep it feeling fresh and evolved otherwise I can see it getting boring quick.

bc3 is bf 2020 if this is ww2.
If it is ww2 it will be very like bf1, It will be small tweaks to the frostbyte engine to make incremental improvements to the visuals, sound and performance (probably negatively) and a ww2 setting. Movement and gun play will probably be similar if tweaked. Probably more changes to the game modes and also the monetisation, but basically a reskin/upgrade and ww2 setting.
Likely I'll be out then, I'll try it at a friend's if it's ww2 but can't see me bothering with it.

The only battlefield I didn't play was 2142, no idea if they should so something like that one again
Oooh, nice. Will give that a go later...

I said that Dak video was clickbait in the other thread.
Daz was right though, we have a teaser now. Whether we should read much into the date for the reveal (the day Hitler announced he was going to take Poland) or the significance of the white horse (The Nazis had a horse breeding program, after the war the horses were "rescued" by the allies as they were worried the Russians might eat them. https://www.express.co.uk/news/history/697218/Mission-rescue-Hitlers-equine-master-race)

Or maybe this:

Is up for debate...

I'm now thinking the painting has got to be of a Lipizzan horse, which were rescued from the spanish riding school in Vienna at the end of ww2.
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Fuzzy wuzzy war.
I'll wait for the beta and decide then if i'll buy in.

Just want to make sure incase they pull some cod ****** with jetpacks
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