*** The Official Battlefield 5 thread***

We might be getting some info on Friday:


Also TSNP DLC is about to be free to all (Another hint we're about to hear something about the new BF)

There are other hints that a teaser might not be Friday but next week (Jeff Braddock liking a tweet about not revealing bf2018 at a starwars event). So Next Tuesday is another possibility. Of course AlmightyDaq might be an almighty troll, but he was right about bf1, we know the gameplay will be shown in June at EA Play, and they will want to whip up excitement before that so a teaser does seem to be very likely very soon.
most people who know EA or Dice people will know.normally the public get to know normally first at a big event.see whats next and you will probably see the first trailer.normally its about now when it drops.then more footage for june at E3.beta summer september then release october.they almost keep the exact same formula.

There are other hints that a teaser might not be Friday but next week (Jeff Braddock liking a tweet about not revealing bf2018 at a starwars event). So Next Tuesday is another possibility. Of course AlmightyDaq might be an almighty troll, but he was right about bf1, we know the gameplay will be shown in June at EA Play, and they will want to whip up excitement before that so a teaser does seem to be very likely very soon.

Since Friday is 4th May I wouldn't completely count out getting something
Since Friday is 4th May I wouldn't completely count out getting something

That's why people think it won't be on Friday, EA are likely to do something SW related. I believe the "game changers" are currently in the process of being shown the game. There is an earnings call I believe on the 8th so this Tuesday could be the day we see a teaser. Full reveal is as already stated at the EA play event just before E3 (where I'm sure it will also be shown off).

It's still up in the air as to what the game will be, but I have a gut feeling it will be one of the following three

BF2 (WW2)
BC3 (Cold War)

Daq is pushing the ww2 theory and has admitted that BC3 was in production but that was supposed to be DICE LA while DICE Stockholm were supposed to be modifying BF1 for WW2. I've seen a tweet from Art which showed someone was playing a closed Alpha of BC3 according to the origin friends list. Interestingly the sudden retraction from Daq that it was BC3 came after that so it could be he got in a ton of **** and had to do some misdireciton after that with the ww2 thing (although the addition of the Thompson Annihilator to CTE follows the pattern of the Lewis gun being added to HL just before the bf1 reveal). And then we have the Final stand Titan under construction hint to BF2143.

I'm sure we will find out Soon

I'm also still trying to work out whether the "Future is waiting" shown in the Lanky Soldier's recent "The War is over" trailer (which was officially sponsored by EA/DICE) is a hint or not..

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To further confuse people as to what the next BF game is going to be, Battlefield Russia have been tweeting pictures from BFBC2
Someone on Reddit is claiming that the tweeted text with the pictures is:

fromreddit said:
1st tweet is about what rating was given by gameinformer etc.for BFBC2

2nd tweet: "looks like the storm is coming"
I just want something like Battlelog back. I know it's a browser and was shaky sometimes when updates happened but the UI on BF1 is a joke.
Funny when battle log launched people ragged on it endlessly and said an in game server browser should be used.

I think that was largely because the title prior to bf3 when BL was introduced was a browser game (bf heros), so a lot of people (myself included) jumped to the conclusion that the game itself would run in the browser which would bring all sorts of potential browser update killed my game issues. It turned out to be a relatively responsive front end (when EA's servers weren't being rubbish).

As far as the current UI is concerned, it was practically unusable for anyone with SLI for months (just the UI not the game itself) which sucked big time, and failed to implement about 75% of the features that battlelog had (platoons, useful serverbrowser which told you how far into a round it was, what it's map sequence was, who was playing, was it stacked?, What your stats were, what your game history was, a chance to change your soldier or vehicle loadouts prior to joining a round).

If the UI wasn't a laggy POS every 1/3rd update and it had all the features BL had I wouldn't mind it, but as it stands, BL is still significantly superior.
I think that was largely because the title prior to bf3 when BL was introduced was a browser game (bf heros), so a lot of people (myself included) jumped to the conclusion that the game itself would run in the browser which would bring all sorts of potential browser update killed my game issues. It turned out to be a relatively responsive front end (when EA's servers weren't being rubbish).

As far as the current UI is concerned, it was practically unusable for anyone with SLI for months (just the UI not the game itself) which sucked big time, and failed to implement about 75% of the features that battlelog had (platoons, useful serverbrowser which told you how far into a round it was, what it's map sequence was, who was playing, was it stacked?, What your stats were, what your game history was, a chance to change your soldier or vehicle loadouts prior to joining a round).

If the UI wasn't a laggy POS every 1/3rd update and it had all the features BL had I wouldn't mind it, but as it stands, BL is still significantly superior.
Not played BF1 in ages but do remember the server browser not being great.
Yup. Even the mobile app wasn't bad and allowed you to change your loadout in your lunch break and it would be ready to roll when you logged on (in BF4 anyway).
Dice,.. please?
Not played BF1 in ages but do remember the server browser not being great.

It improved, but like I said, it's still far from perfect. At least the server browser isn't treated as legacy mode anymore, quickmatch will either put you in an empty server or a server hosted on the US west coast or Japan. A lot of stuff got moved to battlefield.com/career but you can't launch into a game or setup parties there (mind you parties seem to cause your team to randomly disconnect while join on platoon is magic auto-stack mode).
I'm going out on a limb and suggesting the teaser will be today. The entire DICE team was pushing the BFEE discord to solve the isolation EE last night (which they did), and it seemed to me that they had a vested interest in it being found. The dog tag that was awarded has the morse code "Secret revealed", so putting 2+2 together and making 5, I think they wanted (or for some reason needed) the EE to be solved to reveal the secret of the next BF.
I also have a very strong hunch it's ww2 now, not just because of the strong hints from Daq, but also the BF1942 pictures they tweeted just before Christmas, and the hint in the investor call yesterday that the new BF would be going back to the roots of the dev studio (First major breakthrough game for them was bf1942, I doubt he was talking about pinball games).

Edit: Well we have just got some more info, not a lot though:
So reveal on May 23rd

Events of interest:
May 23rd 1939: Hitler proclaims he wants to move into Poland
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Well it can't be as crap as battlefield 1, I hope anyway, I loved bad company 2 as my all time fav, 3,4 I also enjoyed muchly too.

If it is ww2 it will be very like bf1, It will be small tweaks to the frostbyte engine to make incremental improvements to the visuals, sound and performance (probably negatively) and a ww2 setting. Movement and gun play will probably be similar if tweaked. Probably more changes to the game modes and also the monetisation, but basically a reskin/upgrade and ww2 setting.
I would be happy with WW2 or Future (loved 2142!). Though, the more i think about it, the more i'm done with BF.
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