*****The Official Canon 5DMK3 Thread*****

Sample images are never 'blown away amazing' (never understood why to be honest)

When was the last time you shot at ISO6400 using 100% crop?

The detail loss is tiny, the fact that the ice has moved and it isn't 2 exact images makes it a crap comparison :p

EDIT: And to add, the exposure isn't the same on both images.

Too much in camera NR imo

Well im not going america purely to by a camera lol but anyways how much will this cost me if i was to get one including tax? i thought foreigners dont get taxed in america? And if i do get one, you can guarantee i will be using it as soon as i get one so wont get hit my the tax man at the airport :)

The list price in America excludes sales anyway, if you buy it forma store in the US you will pay the respective sales tax from that state which varies a lot but is often around 8%. If you buy online then you usually get it without sales tax, but buying online if you don't live in the US wont be easy.

You will then have to pay VAT and customs upon entering the UK. bu which time it wont be much cheaper at all.
Too much in camera NR imo


That is actually pretty terrible, not only the blurring but there is still noise after all that blurring. The limited D800 samples we have seen look much better than this, indeed i am sure the D700 performance is better.

Still, need to wait for some proper evaluation.
I'll give it six months to get some reviews in, let others find any bugs, then make my decision on the D800 or 5DIII. Right now, I'm leaning towards moving to Canon and the 5DIII, it's simply more the all round camera I want. They're basically as good as each other on paper, it comes down to 36MP at 4fps or 22MP at 6fps.

Assuming the prices become sane - Looking at pre-order on a few sites (which I won't, you'd be mad to pay these day one prices...) the Canon is substantially more...

Or with the Nikon D800, 16MP at 6 FPS in DX mode, useful for sports and wildlife.
Why persist with the expected poor gallery jpeg pics from Canon? They are never any good and as they're jpeg have very little relevance for most users anyway. Proper reviews and comparisons will come, be patient :D

As for the D800 images, they are nice but nothing has blown me away. The portrait shot on the previous page could easily be from a 5D2 to be honest. Another reason I'm not bothered by the 36MP, I just haven't seen anything that makes we want it and I'm really easy to grab when it comes to "I want" stuff! When the release dust has settled and chaps I know have the camera and I see what it is being produced I'll make my decision... and probably buy neither of them! :D
The list price in America excludes sales anyway, if you buy it forma store in the US you will pay the respective sales tax from that state which varies a lot but is often around 8%. If you buy online then you usually get it without sales tax, but buying online if you don't live in the US wont be easy.

You will then have to pay VAT and customs upon entering the UK. bu which time it wont be much cheaper at all.

Not if i take it out the box and start using it and saying i got it from here :) no way they can tell where it was bought. not like the 5dmk3 is only available in america
Why persist with the expected poor gallery jpeg pics from Canon? They are never any good and as they're jpeg have very little relevance for most users anyway. Proper reviews and comparisons will come, be patient :D

It's not from Canon. Also if these images are not representative of the 5Diii why on earth would Canon release them, even on their own sample page. It would be marketing suicide just for the fun of it.
Also makes the D800 look a bit of a bargain too, which is odd, I've historically always found Nikon to be a little more expensive than Canon but the D800 is on preorder for ~£2400 vs ~£3000 for the 5DIII, I like the 5DIII a lot, it's almost exactly what I want in a Camera but that's not pocket change.

Still, I'll give it 6 months and see I think. Cost of appropriate glass is also relevant of course (ie. Canon L glass is usually about 5-10% less than equivalent Nikon glass in my experience) as is availability right now with Nikon primes...

You tend to say this a lot but I have never really seen these price differences for identical lenses that are of similar age. Yes, some newer Nikon lenses are more expensive than older Canon lenses, and some lenses that cover the same focal length and aperture like the Nikon 17-55 2.8 appear more expensive but then the build quality and AF are in different leagues.

When comparing identical lenses of the same age I think you will be surprised.

Nikon AF-S 24-70mm f/2.8G ED 1199.99
Canon EF 24-70mm f2.8L II USM 2299.00

Nikon AF-S 70-200mm f/2.8G IF-ED VR II 1599.00
Canon EF 70-200mm f2.8L IS USM II 1805.00

Nikon AF-S 300mm f/2.8 G ED VR II 3989.00
Canon EF 300mm f2.8L IS II USM 5399.00

Nikon AF-S 400mm f/2.8G ED VR 6629.00
Canon EF 400mm f2.8L IS II USM 8868.90

Nikon AF-S 500mm f/4G ED VR 5829.00
Canon EF 500mm f4L IS II USM 8449.95

Nikon AF-S 600mm f/4G ED VR 7070.00
Canon EF 600mm f4L IS II USM 10999.00
What's confusing? Canon have never released gallery images that blow you away or show anything close to decent images.

The D800 is nice, but nothing has made me think 36MP is something I need. I'm feeling more and more drawn to the D700. The price of the D800 is attractive but ultimately if 12MP suits me fine I have no reason to spend the extra, none at all. ISO performance will be interesting, but we're a while off seeing what the bodies can do in real life circumstances. If the price of the 5D3 was the same as the D800, it would be a no brainer for me and I'd go for the 5D3. That it's £600 more expensive has thrown the cat among the pigeons, yes I can save up the extra but I just don't like that amount of money tied up in something I use for a hobby.
I'm in the same boat, I just don't need 36MP for anything I do. So it'll impact my workflow, PC and storage for no benefit. So whilst the D800 is cheaper it'll cost elsewhere, plus the grip and D4 batteries to get 6 fps.

Canon do give sRAW options so you can save space. I don't know why Nikon don't provide this on the D800.

Well we just need to wait for proper reviews and then for the prices to drop. So I'm not going to be upgrading any time soon!

Thom Hogan has a great piece explaining completely stupid it is to think that the storage requirement of D800 files would have any significant impact on the costs of your photography:

75MB Isn't That Expensive
Feb 27 (commentary)--It appears that not enough of you have read my article on shooting less. I write that because one of the "complaints" about the D800 is that it creates 75MB raw files (it can do better than that with judicious use of compression, but for the sake of argument, I'll just use the largest size).

Back in the days of film, taking each image cost me out of pocket about 28 cents. That includes film, processing, and some courier service (I'd drop it off at the lab on my way home from the airport because it was convenient, but then have it couriered to me at the office the next morning). Even the most frugal person probably paid at least 17 cents a shot (and got random processing at that price).

What took me down this nostalgic road was far more than a few people making the contention that storage costs, especially once considering backups, would eat them alive if they shot with a D800 with it's 75MB a whack penalty.

One man's penalty is another man's gain. As I've written many times, I'll take as many pixels as I can get assuming all else equal. More sampling equals better processing choices, amongst other things. But is that 75MB really a penalty in the first place?

Let's take what some view as a relatively expensive storage option: Amazon S3. Worst case, for a fully backed cloud storage system: 12.5 cents a GB/mo, or less than a penny a D800 image a month. It would take two years of storage before I even equalled my out of pocket film costs. Actually, less than that if I did critical editing out of shots that don't make the cut (in film, the cost was already incurred; in digital, if you delete the file, the cost isn't incurred).

But wait a minute, 12.5 cents a GB is US$125 a terrabyte a month. That sounds like a lot. After all, I can buy a 1TB hard drive from NewEgg for less than that. Okay, I'd need two, because I want a backup. Actually three, because I'd want an offsite backup, too. So call it three months worth of S3 storage costs to do it at home for a longer time. I'm starting to lose track of what fraction of a penny my D800 image is actually costing me.

I've written elsewhere about how expensive digital photography is. The camera body cost is just the tip of the iceberg. And the per image cost is pretty darned cheap, even with 75MB files. But this does raise an issue: the incremental cost of all those things--camera, lens, support, travel, computer, storage, and so on--does start to overwhelm more and more people. That's one of the reasons why I started predicting flattening sales of DSLRs way back in 2003. From the film days, we have a pretty good metric on how many households eventually go SLR and how many eventually stop using it for something simpler and cheaper.

A lot of the folk complaining about the D800 are candidates for getting off the DSLR escalator.
Go and look at all their sample images for all bodies, none are great.

The D800 samples I have seen have shown great promise in terms of details and high ISO performance.

I agree we must wait for final reviews but a good impression can be made by comparing various samples images, leaked images, and the first personal samples.

At this stage it is not looking good for the 5DMKIII.

I am beginning to wonder if the sensor performance was purposely crippled to maintain a strong distinction between the 1DX and the 5DMKIII. Why else would canon go to the expense of design a new sensor and not using the 1DX sensor if the sensor is going to be significantly worse in performance at more or less equal resolutions.
I don't give a flying fluff what Thom says, what relevance does film have? None. I quad backup, worst case on file sizes I have seen my storage requirements will double from my 16MP camera I have now. That means twice the turnover on backup storage. HD prices are coming back down now, so the costs aren't going to be huge, but it isn't pence either. Then there's the processing of the files, for me I'll have to buy another laptop which again is not an insignificant cost.
The D800 samples I have seen have shown great promise in terms of details and high ISO performance.

I agree we must wait for final reviews but a good impression can be made by comparing various samples images, leaked images, and the first personal samples.

At this stage it is not looking good for the 5DMKIII.

I am beginning to wonder if the sensor performance was purposely crippled to maintain a strong distinction between the 1DX and the 5DMKIII. Why else would canon go to the expense of design a new sensor and not using the 1DX sensor if the sensor is going to be significantly worse in performance at more or less equal resolutions.

The "all bodies" is referring to all Canon bodies... Canon have just never had decent galleries to show off their gear, I don't know why but there you go! :D

Yeah, they seem keen to say the 1DX is a stop better so that's still their top of the line offering. Although I've read so much the last couple of days that might not actually be a line from Canon!
I don't give a flying fluff what Thom says, what relevance does film have? None. I quad backup, worst case on file sizes I have seen my storage requirements will double from my 16MP camera I have now. That means twice the turnover on backup storage. HD prices are coming back down now, so the costs aren't going to be huge, but it isn't pence either. Then there's the processing of the files, for me I'll have to buy another laptop which again is not an insignificant cost.

The fact is 36MP photos are still absolutely dirt cheap to make and store compared to where we were film so it is a complete non-argument worrying about additional costs related to the file size in the grand scheme of things.

There are about 60% more pixels in a D800 than a 5DMKIII, that is not going to have a big impact on storage or processing requirements. We are not talking a factor 10 or anything just a factor of 0.6 more storage. So for most people it will make not the slightest difference. If your computer will struggle with 36MP photos then it will likely struggle with 22MP photos. This is not a fundamental leap in requirements like when we changed from SD video to 1080P where the file sizes jumped by several factors.

And that is assuming you keep the 36MP RAW and don't downsample.

I don't disagree that for many people for many uses 36MP is more than what is needed but don't blow the overhead costs out of the water. The differences are just too small to be of any concern.
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