**** The Official Chinese Phones Thread ****

So with USB debugging turned on when I press power+vol up I get this-


When I just plug in usb into phone-

Do I need to download drivers for it? Thanks
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i had to install it to get device manager to recognize the phone

Kk, Will try it now thanks edit: thx its appearing

After I put in adb reboot edl in cmd phone is showing red led. But I see in device manager the device as Relink HS-USB QDLoader9008 COM03 should that be the Qualcomm driver? Thx
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Well now managed to install googleplay on the stock china ROM, but global Rom removes all Chinese apps and has googleplay right? still worth flashinf to global guys?

Well now managed to install googleplay on the stock china ROM, but global Rom removes all Chinese apps and has googleplay right? still worth flashinf to global guys?


If a glovak is available its worth flashing for that reason. Removing all the Chinese rubbish.
£400 is considerably less expensive than other handsets, don't forget Huawei made the Nexus 6P, it's not like they're an unknown :p
Does anyone know when or if they are going to release the global ROM for the mediatek version of the redmi note 3? Stock ROM that came with the phone works fine but want to update to marshmallow when possible.
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