You can drop the vcore and test again.
Leave the memory at 6x and find out how much vcore your chip needs to run prime stable.
Also use IBT, set to high, minimum of 20 runs.
Intel Burn Test.
Do not be surprised if you fail this test at Prime stable settings.
Anyways when you are stable with the memory at 6x, increase to 8x.
Likely you will start to see errors again, increase VTT until they go away.
Start at 1,275 and go up or down from there as necessary.
Also you can increase memory voltage to 1.640, don't exceed that though.
Don't panic too much if your bios shows the VTT voltage as pink, just dont go into the red.
If you get as far as 1.335 and you aren't stable with the memory at 8x give up and back it down to 6x.
Also you might have performance settings of Standard, Turbo and Extreme, try Standard if Turbo is default.
Thanks, as it turns out it still failed on core3 and my vcore is 1.36v previously 1.34. Mem was still x6.
I did ring OC_UK this morning and are sending out a new bios with new profiles so I'll try those first.
For some reason I can't run IBT it just won't start.