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Anyone join a faction?

Earning Faction Reputation

In lieu of earning Vanguard or Crucible reputation you can, instead, pick one of the three Factions to earn reputation for: Dead Orbit, Future War Cult or New Monarchy.

These Factions sell different items depending on how high your reputation is - so check them out and see which route you want to work towards first.

You'll need to earn reputation and Crucible Marks to purchase their items.

To earn reputation for any of these Factions, visit their Faction Vendor and purchase one of the level 20 pieces of equipment - it'll be all you can buy at that point.

Equip this item and, instead of earning Vanguard or Crucible reputation for any action that might reward it, you'll earn rep for the chosen Faction.

Yep I joined the future war cult, but don't wear the class armour as it means I lose vanguard points. I'm Vanguard level one and need to be level two to buy purple shiny weapons and armour so I'm concentrating on that first. My cape looks boss though.
Managed to get back on now and it tells me that I've just unlocked the Weekly Nightfall Strike.

Maybe it's Bungie's way of apologising, or, judging by all those modifiers....punishing me :D
Yep I joined the future war cult, but don't wear the class armour as it means I lose vanguard points. I'm Vanguard level one and need to be level two to buy purple shiny weapons and armour so I'm concentrating on that first. My cape looks boss though.

Yes- by the point you can join them, you should be well over vanguard level one, so it seems a bit of waste to join them till you have you vanguard level up as it doesn't go away once it's earned.
Yep I joined the future war cult, but don't wear the class armour as it means I lose vanguard points. I'm Vanguard level one and need to be level two to buy purple shiny weapons and armour so I'm concentrating on that first. My cape looks boss though.

How do you change back from future war to vanguard? I'm wanting to get at least rank 1 vanguard
After hammering this over the weekend I'm at Lvl 22.

Just done both the Daily Heroic and Weekly Heroic today.. the Weekly was an absolute horror to finish.. took 2 hours.. all lvl 22 or above with decent gear.

Reminded me so much of Legendary on Halo..

Gonna hammer the strike playlists this week in the hope I can buy some legendary armour and get my light level up a bit.

Raids are in place already on Venus.. based on how hard the lvl 22 strike was.. they are gonna be solid!
How do you change back from future war to vanguard? I'm wanting to get at least rank 1 vanguard

Just unequip the item

must have missed something, but have no idea what to do with all the materials, any ideas?


They have a number of uses, some of them are currency (motes of light, strange coins) some are used to upgrade items (some only for higher rarity items)
Two 25's and a 26 haha. But we just cleared the waves and about to start the tank. Arc damage is majorly increased though (for us and enemies) so having those weapon types is helping us to deal damage. We have wiped once though xD
Anyone join a faction?

Earning Faction Reputation

In lieu of earning Vanguard or Crucible reputation you can, instead, pick one of the three Factions to earn reputation for: Dead Orbit, Future War Cult or New Monarchy.

These Factions sell different items depending on how high your reputation is - so check them out and see which route you want to work towards first.

You'll need to earn reputation and Crucible Marks to purchase their items.

To earn reputation for any of these Factions, visit their Faction Vendor and purchase one of the level 20 pieces of equipment - it'll be all you can buy at that point.

Equip this item and, instead of earning Vanguard or Crucible reputation for any action that might reward it, you'll earn rep for the chosen Faction.

I think you can just equip it when cashing in bounties to earn rep
I didnt really know what to do with this game, i was lvl 20 in about 12hours of play and had to start my weekly shifts on thursday. Iv done a ton of learning about this game and how it works since then. Im now thinking about starting over and leaving all loot drops /gold crates til lvl 20 so i can get rares and legendary drops

I think the people struggling dont really understand the game. Its going to pay to do your homework its quite a technical game

This guy has some good loot runs documented

This guy can explain all

For those struggling in pvp you need to learn about gun mechanics, impact is just as if not more important then your attack stat - pvp is capped so its not all high levels beating noobs

For those moaning about grinds, u need to level up before you start getting rare and legendary drops. stop doing stuff on easy mode and you will be better rewarded. buddy up too a fireteam is most effective.

If you wanna play this with keyboard + mouse suggest you check out Xim4 M+KB convertor
I'll hold my hands up and say I wrote this off too soon, now I've spent more time with it I'm actually really enjoying it. It certainly has flaws (the zone spawning being the most annoying for me) and it is repetitive but the movement, shooting and feel are so good that I don't mind.

I've got to level 13 and still playing around on the moon, the areas aren't as big as I might have expected but they aren't small either and compared to the last lightweight MMO I played (Phantasy Star Online) they hold up well.

It's not a classic (unless they do a lot more with it) but if you take the hype away then it's actually a decent fun game :)
Got to final boss and wiped when it had a 5th of it's health. Gutted is not the word haha. It's a win that we got that far I guess but damn... XD
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