So I just got an exotic bounty.
Anyone on Xbox One want to do the weekly heroic with me (I've done it before but I have to do it again for this)
Stoppit. Stop... stop..
I'll be on in about 45 minutes once the rugby has finished.
So I just got an exotic bounty.
Anyone on Xbox One want to do the weekly heroic with me (I've done it before but I have to do it again for this)
Stoppit. Stop... stop..
I'll be on in about 45 minutes once the rugby has finished.
Don't they balance out in pvp
Don't seem to, I was playing earlier in a team of six of the ocuk clan on control and I was getting instant killed with one shot, some of the weapons are insanely powerful.
Maybe it was because some of ocuk clan had higher levels so I was just an odd one out in the team?
When do you get blue and purple items?, I'm level 11 now and I'm getting completely owned in PvP, it's just ridiculous some of the match making needs sorting.
Don't seem to, I was playing earlier in a team of six of the ocuk clan on control and I was getting instant killed with one shot, some of the weapons are insanely powerful.
Maybe it was because some of ocuk clan had higher levels so I was just an odd one out in the team?
What sort of price are the expansions likely to be?
Collectors edition with two expansion packs is £82 and I have a £20 off £50 code.
Got lvl 20 today, so enjoying this now!
What would you say is the best way for me to continue to level? Do strikes and hope for drops with light or try buy armour?
Anyone join a faction?
Earning Faction Reputation
In lieu of earning Vanguard or Crucible reputation you can, instead, pick one of the three Factions to earn reputation for: Dead Orbit, Future War Cult or New Monarchy.
These Factions sell different items depending on how high your reputation is - so check them out and see which route you want to work towards first.
You'll need to earn reputation and Crucible Marks to purchase their items.
To earn reputation for any of these Factions, visit their Faction Vendor and purchase one of the level 20 pieces of equipment - it'll be all you can buy at that point.
Equip this item and, instead of earning Vanguard or Crucible reputation for any action that might reward it, you'll earn rep for the chosen Faction.