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Its a modifier. Certain strikes etc at later levels have modifiers which make it more challenging/interesting. Heroic means more enemies and more aggresseive enemies.

One I stumbled on yesterday was called the Juggler where no ammo is dropped for the weapon you have equipped, so you have to keep switching weapons to get ammo.

Other ones give a bonus to certain types of damage (e.g. Arc damage) but this applies to the enemies as well as you so although you do more damage so do the enemies. Havent came across many other types yet.

it was not selectable though, I guess like you say it was just modifying hard difficulty that I selected.
Tried PVP again at the higher teen levels and I must just suck. Still getting one shot and still seem to take an age to kill anything unless I'm supercharged. Maybe that'll change once my gear is up to scratch but I guess by then everyone else will be in the same boat.

Gear makes very little difference in the Crucible, if you're getting 1-shot now, you're still going to get 1-shot with legendaries ;D

Don't run about out in the open if there's a sniper around. You can see them when they are aiming at you because you can see their red lens flare so get behind cover ASAP.

Check radar for shotgun run & gunners so they don't catch you by surprise.

Use your grenade / super as much as possible for some free kills.

The rest is speed and accuracy at aiming at a moving target with your preferred weapon + map knowledge etc.
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ok thanks, wonder why.:confused:

Seems a bit pointless, should be able to earn them straight away, its hard enough in the crucible at lower levels, you would think its more deserving to get these marks early on.

because otherwise there would be nothing to do once you hit lvl 20 ;D

collecting marks is like 90% of what the end-game has to offer (right now)
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ok thanks, wonder why.:confused:

Seems a bit pointless, should be able to earn them straight away, its hard enough in the crucible at lower levels, you would think its more deserving to get these marks early on.

Its probably to give a bit of balance later in the game. They probably don't want you turning level 20 and having hundreds of Marks stored up so you can instantly buy all Legendary stuff. They want to make you work for it.
3v3 maps are generally quicker to finish than the 6v6 modes (think its 10min as apposed to 15mins), so if its just rep you want it might be a quicker way to level it up
Cheers for advice - will hit them later today and tomorrow - want to get another 30 vanguard/crucible marks tomorrow when the limit refreshes.

Expecting raids to need you to be a minimum lvl 26 to be enjoyable and I could have at least 3 legendaries for it then...

ps3ud0 :cool:
because otherwise there would be nothing to do once you hit lvl 20 ;D

collecting marks is like 90% of what the end-game has to offer (right now)

Its probably to give a bit of balance later in the game. They probably don't want you turning level 20 and having hundreds of Marks stored up so you can instantly buy all Legendary stuff. They want to make you work for it.

Ok I see, so these marks can be used to buy legendary items.
Cheers for advice - will hit them later today and tomorrow - want to get another 30 vanguard/crucible marks tomorrow when the limit refreshes.

Expecting raids to need you to be a minimum lvl 26 to be enjoyable and I could have at least 3 legendaries for it then...

ps3ud0 :cool:

The Vault of Glass was on the map yesterday at level 26.

Also got a popup about 'Weekly Nightfall Strike' when I hit level 24. Level 28 3-man strikes like the Heroic version but with about 6 modifiers... sounds horrific :eek:
reading all this is making my more excited for tonight, I have only just hit level 20 so i need to grind my vanguard rep and also finish the story missions!

I have no friends on my ps4 though :(
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What's the best way to level up, just pounding through the missions I guess?

Had first epic mission with 2 others, the Level 8 strike on earth, was really intense and awesome! (Lvl 10 now)
Anything is as good as anything else really. Just make sure you have bounties, I've made sure I did everything on each planet before I moved on (patrols, side quests, main story and strikes) and I've also played maybe 10 PVP games, and I'm about 5 levels ahead of the suggest level for the story missions.
had a great Random lvl 20 Strike with Moogleys and Solost earlier, it chose one of the strikes on Venus (the one with the huge Hydra boss).

Took ages to bring it down but was great fun all the same. Seemed to be decent Xp for moogleys too who got a level and a half doing the strike :)
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