*** The Official Destiny Thread (now includes 2.0 and TTK) ***

had a great Random lvl 20 Strike with Moogleys and Solost earlier, it chose one of the strikes on Venus (the one with the huge Hydra boss).

Took ages to bring it down but was great fun all the same. Seemed to be decent Xp for moogleys too who got a level and a half doing the strike :)

Was good although I did get killed an awful lot.. :)
:).. Hopefully my headset should turn up today.

Was doing ok after I found a hole the big thing could not get me from. Just kept popping out and shooting and hoping I could get back in before it turned around...

Good fun..
Anyone know how to tell what the multipliers are (in game) attached to Strikes?

Did one with Juggler and something else but had no idea it was that which meant I kept running out of ammo. Juggler means you nee to switch weapons as you get ammo for weapon you're not using.
Hey guys, So I flew through the first 5 or so story parts of earth but only did the main objective. If I go back to the first mission part of earth and complete every little side mission will it indicate I have "completed" that area on the world map?

My OCD will do my head in if I cant tell which parts Ive cleaned up
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