*** The Official Destiny Thread (now includes 2.0 and TTK) ***

I swear low ranked AR's with medium RoF and damage are the best for Crucible. Anything else sucks for me.

Yep, the high RoF ones are hard to control so there's little point in them. The one I use is a lvl 19 rare, so you get quite a few perks. This one in particular does more damage with the bottom half of the clip, which I'm fairly sure isn't balanced out even in normal crucible because it's a perk not a direct damage stat. It's also unbelievably steady, it's like firing a rail gun in the same spot each time while ADS. It's not completely unbalanced though, shotguns beat you at short range and supers/heavy beat all, it's just way better for me than the pulse/scout/handgun options.

Didn't manage to get on today :(. But it did give me 2 exotics last night :D, although that does mean starting a Warlock now..

edit: Pfft Shami with your quick response. Don't think I didn't see you playing today while I was at work/gym/entering competitions!
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Sooo, we finally finished the nightfall :D

Only up to level 14. That big chained up bugger took ages with all 3 of the party on level 13. Took 3 goes as well.

Anyone on here feel free to add me. Could do with a leg up on the harder levels.

Been running level 20 strikes over the last few days. Got a few OK-ish armour items but desperately want a decent AR for Crucible. Keep getting every weapon but AR. :(
Was on Rumble last night and the guy second from bottom got a nice exotic hand cannon. Lucky so and so lol.
Was just abouts to grab this if it was still £35, gone back up now.

Which platform should I get it on if I did buy it?
Was just abouts to grab this if it was still £35, gone back up now.

Which platform should I get it on if I did buy it?

PS4 has some exclusive content and apparently a slightly smoother frame rate so if there are no other factors (friends, controller, etc) then that's the version to pick.

I bought the XB1 version because I still haven't gelled with the DS4 but that's a personal preference.
I missed my daily dose of gord and Shamikebab yesterday :(

Although you guys were probably relieved to not have your weak link in the crucible :p
Also managed to do Nightfall yesterday, it was OK we managed to do it without a wipe but my Warlock's self Fireborn did save the day at one stage :)

Anyway I got a nice Scout Rifle from it :


I also like that they give you a nice glow around your head to show that you've done it :


So really happy now as that gives me a full set of legendary gear ready for raiding :)


Should be fun!!!
Jase, epic looking Sunslinger...
I'm only Level 21, still on rare gears, need more light and go for Level 22 raids!

I wonder if Bungie will ever look to allow trading...
I kind of hope they don't. As much as I'd like it when someone in a party gets a legendary or rare they don't need but I do :p, overall it would make the game too easy for some and ruin it for others
There were rumors that trading would be introduced in a few months but I really hope they don't as it takes away the enjoyment of getting it yourself and that's the bit I like.

You can swap gear between your alts now and that's good enough I think.
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