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Outrageous chest piece there Zhokel, congrats mate. No exotic gear for me as of yet but then I'm only 24 not quite ready for Nightfall yet, 1 legendary but it was for a sniper rifle which I unfortunately am useless with. Should have enough Crucible reps and marks by tonight to buy some nice legendary gear and then I can take a stab at Nightfall.
Motes of light.. they can only be used to buy stuff from this Xur person right? and he only appears at the weekend? If that is the case it is extremely annoying as it's the only time I can't get online!
Motes of light.. they can only be used to buy stuff from this Xur person right? and he only appears at the weekend? If that is the case it is extremely annoying as it's the only time I can't get online!

Motes of Light are to buy things from The Speaker, Strange Coins are for Xur and yes he only appears at the weekends.
I don't know if it random or designed this way but I have found PvP gives me the best loot as both my legendary items have come through PvP. However, for simply collecting gear PvE is much better though I have found PvE gear seems mostly green or blue so not usually better than the gear I have but gives me lots of supplies for future upgrades :)
Where did Xur appear last weekend? Does he show up on the tower map? I have strange coin and I want to see what he's got!

edit - nvm found him next to the Crucible Quartermaster.
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Still a newbie: only played SP and my one venture into MP was shocking. Came last, no kills! Couldn't hit a thing. I acknowledge I'm past my prime, but I usually get one or two kills online.

I haven't had a go at a coop mission either. I need some friends.
Looking at a full armor set with one weapon (from the Vanguard dealer), you would need 465 Vanguard Marks... over a month of grinding :eek:

Weapon is 150 alone, if you ignore that it's only 315, which you can get in 2 weeks if you max out both crucible marks and vanguard marks, with rank 2 faction rep allows you to buy 4/4 slots legendary armor ready for raiding :3
Also managed to do Nightfall yesterday, it was OK we managed to do it without a wipe but my Warlock's self Fireborn did save the day at one stage :)

Should be fun!!!

Nice rifle.

How the **** did you manage to get all those purples?!?!

I have something like 36hrs /played and I haven't had a single legendary from an engram...

I'm gearing up through marks and faction vendors at tower, should have 4 armor pieces after the marks reset but still I am a million miles away from getting a single legendary weapon :-\
Can anyone give a run down on how the light levels work after level 20? The tooltip in game says equip armour pieces with the +Light on them. I've got two bits which give +2 or 3, but the little bar hasn't moved up.

Does the light level remain even after changing to another armour piece with more light on it?

You need more than +2 or 3 ;D
Need +20 for lvl 21:
Motes of light.. they can only be used to buy stuff from this Xur person right? and he only appears at the weekend? If that is the case it is extremely annoying as it's the only time I can't get online!

You can buy cosmetic upgrades from the speaker with them too.

Xur was selling an engram for motes of light last weekend.
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