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Shami I only have 11 coins - help me do the weekly heroic so I'll have enough for a helmet? Perrrrrrrlease?

I can help you but it wont be until 12.30pm or so.

EDIT: Xur isn't up yet either...bah, wanted to check what his loot was before I went to the gym :p
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I wonder if they'll end up putting in a really easy Raid later on because there is a trophy for doing a Raid without anyone dying - going off this first one that seems impossible.

I haven't even managed to do a strike without at least some fool dying. I've done the Nexus one myself without dying 3-4 times with ease but each time someone in my fireteam had died and then left near the start.

I wonder if the Warlock self-res counts as a death. I'm not that fussed about getting the trophy as such - just the challenge of trying not to die - it's good game practise anyway for the heroics where you don't revive after 30 seconds.

Might try the Raid this weekend. Only Level 25 but Hell me and my mates managed a Level 24 strike as soon as we hit Level 20...It said 'impossible' but we defied the odds by laming it the hell out. Even the dregs could 1 hit kill us and we had to revive each other due to know auto revive. Never again!!!!
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Oh the cryptarch has achieved a new low, spent my motes on an exotic engram, got a titan chest! Can't he see I'm a WARLOCK! /grumble
Looking forward to getting home and seeing Xur, got 16 strange coins and 18 motes of light, hopefully can get something half decent
So I got another legendary engram last night, my fourth. Went to the Cryptarch expecting another level 16 blue and was stunned when I actually got an exotic heavy machine gun called Thunderlord. http://www.destinypedia.com/Thunderlord

It's Incredible. Got my first epic pieces from the Vanguard vendor as well as I finally hit level 2 rep. Level 25 now. My character is called GrayPatriarch.

I am at the Vanguard marks cap now. Roll on Tuesday
As everybody on my friends list is now over level 20 I'm flying through the story missions on my own. They're surprisingly easy.
Any good plans on how to farm spinmetal?

search youtube for a farming route, but in general just run around the outside areas in russia and keep an eye out for it, ignore enemies if your only purpose is farming it.

i have to farm like a bazillion helium coils from the moon >.<
got enough to upgrade my armor a fair few times just by running around all over the place for 20mins.
All this grinding is getting very tedious, why can't we buy upgrade materials? It costs so many rare shards or whatever to upgrade equipment and weapons and considering it just seems completely random to get them it looks like it's going to take a while!

Does anyone have any tips for getting rare coins? I did the weekly heroic thing expecting three but got none :(

bcos if u could buy upgrade materials with glimmer, there would be no point in their existence, why not just buy the upgrades with glimmer?
its to make it a time sink, you aren't supposed to fully upgrade your legendaries in 1 day.

rare coins, you should get them from the weekly heroic strike. are you sure you did the weekly heroic?? if you didn't get any, maybe you already did it once this week? you only get the rewards once per week, not every run.
He sells exotic gear for Strange Coins and Motes of Light, appears at weekends only near the crucible vendors Speaker.

Edit: he's up btw

haha, that's sneaky for them to move his location ;D

for anyone looking, he is opposite the speakers tower, near a big closed doorway. lol @ warlocks, he has the same exotic as last week XD

i think ima buy the titan helm..! but dat rocket launcher looks juicy too. ah man, decisions decisions. that rocket launcher looks IMBA as hell, but i just got that exotic fusion rifle last night >.<

LOL i bought the chest armor cos i JUST had enough motes (thank god i didnt spend them on the speaker..), decrypted it and got an exotic chest piece. has REVIVE TEAM MATES FASTER, spawn more orbs, carry more ammo for special weapons, carry more ammo for auto rifles. GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG


rdy to raid!
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