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Well level 16 and.... another epic hunter head fml i got 3 for hunter in bank. One exotic for warlock and no one for myself
Guys should I choose a faction, only just hit level 20 so not many crucible marks or vanguard marks?

I'm not sure what to do.

If you choose a faction, you can get access to legendary weapons much quicker (cos you will hit rank 3 much faster as ALL rep gains go to your faction of choice), but as you can only spend crucible marks, you are missing out on spending vanguard marks.

If I were u, I'd aim for rank 2 vanguard (so u can purchase vanguard armor for vanguard marks) then focus on maxing out a seperate faction.
Well my ps4 + watchdogs is coming with my phone contract upgrade so destiny next week for sure.....

Been waiting for a decent car phone warehouse offer and they are finally available.

Sooo looking forward to this game.
Well ascendent shards are pretty rare... upgrading legendary items is hard work.

Yup. I need 12 for my legendary helmet and another 18 for my legendary gauntlets.

So far I got 4 from breaking down two legendary armours for other classes, one I from doing one of those daily event thingies. 1 for daily challenge on hard and I think thats about all of the ways you can get them apart from "rarely other sources in the world" and raids... :/

urgh how many light do i need to get to level 21? ive got 10 atm been grinding all night.

Hover your pointer over the light number on your character screen - tells you your progress.
urgh how many light do i need to get to level 21? ive got 10 atm been grinding all night.

start doing lvl 22 strikes, and you will see more decent lvl 20 blues drop.
it's not ideal to join strikes under-levelled, but hopefully the other guys will be above 22 and you will gear up quicker :)
Got my first Exotic tonight.. the Universal Remote Shotty.

Also got a nearly full legendary armour setup.. just need to gather a few more vanguard rep points.. a few more cryptach points and Spinmetal and I should hit 26.

Hard work this game lol

2 legendary engrams from cryptarch lvl 7->8
1 contained a legendary chest piece (don't need, alrdy have one from marks)
the other one contained an EXOTIC FUSION RIFLE!!1!
"PLAN C" - Arc dmg, 260/300 atk, bonus accuracy from hip fire, bonus to another stat (charge / recoil / range), and charge time is very short immediately after a weapon swap.

also have my 4/4 legenadary armor now (all from vanguard / crucible marks)

in other news, a massive storm is on it's way O.o
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That cave farming is awesome. Especially when you get a group of randomers doing it in sync, then every 30mins, an event happens and everyone scrabbles to pick up ammo, finish event and back to farming.

Only annoying this is n00bs who keeps going into the caves when we're farming. Either join us or bug off!

Oh and no legendary, not even an ingram. At least I found a semi decent shottie and Fusion Rifle
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