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Well.... ;_;

Just joined new monarchy faction.

Will vanguard bounties be useless to me now or does the vanguard rep get transferred into faction rep?

Also what does the xp bonuses go towards when you reach level 20.


all rep gets transferred to your chosen faction.
xp bonuses go towards levelling up your equipped subclass, levelling up your items, and earning motes of light (hover over your level in character screen).
Anyone feel like they are being left behind? Been stuck on level 25 for what feels like forever while others are getting random legendary loot drops to go past that. Im just not capable in dealing with level 28 stuff and its mainly because of bad luck rather than my abilities to play - really sucks...

Kinda puts me off playing Destiny...

ps3ud0 :cool:
Anyone feel like they are being left behind? Been stuck on level 25 for what feels like forever while others are getting random legendary loot drops to go past that. Im just not capable in dealing with level 28 stuff and its mainly because of bad luck rather than my abilities to play - really sucks...

Kinda puts me off playing Destiny...

ps3ud0 :cool:

lvl 25->26 is all about getting legendaries from faction vendors..! (and levelling them up)
i had absolutely 0 luck from engrams (except for the exotic purchased with motes of light, and the pulse rifle that I'm currently not using).
I'm gonna be stuck at 26ish for ages now prolly, it costs a tonne of rare resources to upgrade your legendaries at the last 3 stages.
Don't really have the time to start raiding, and that's the only real way for me to progress now. (Got the day off work today though huehuehue, last day off for a while, holiday resets at start of Oct..!)

either way, majoirty of end game = grinding bounties or grinding strikes or grinding PvP, doesn't really matter what lvl you are as long as you are at least 20..!
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all rep gets transferred to your chosen faction.
xp bonuses go towards levelling up your equipped subclass, levelling up your items, and earning motes of light (hover over your level in character screen).

Ok so vanguard bounties, patrol ,PvE is still a good way to earn rep for my faction.

I was under the impression that most PvE and that would not be worthwhile if I'm in a faction.

I must admit I really don't like how they have made the system after level 20, it's far too confusing:confused:, as is all the different vendors for selling items.
Ok so vanguard bounties, patrol ,PvE is still a good way to earn rep for my faction.

I was under the impression that most PvE and that would not be worthwhile if I'm in a faction.

I must admit I really don't like how they have made the system after level 20, it's far too confusing:confused:, as is all the different vendors for selling items.

the 3 special factions are for PvP gear primarily. all gear is purchased with crucible marks.

if you want to focus on PvE, you will want to level up your vanguard rep to at least rank 2 or 3 before switching to one of the special factions, so you have access to the PvE specific legendaries from the vendors in the tower.
Anyone feel like they are being left behind? Been stuck on level 25 for what feels like forever while others are getting random legendary loot drops to go past that. Im just not capable in dealing with level 28 stuff and its mainly because of bad luck rather than my abilities to play - really sucks...

Kinda puts me off playing Destiny...

ps3ud0 :cool:

You'd have to be very lucky to get all 4 armour pieces as drops. I'm 27 and 3 of my 4 armour pieces was bought from the vendor with vanguard marks.

It's far more efficient just to earn marks and buy them than farm for drops.
the 3 special factions are for PvP gear primarily. all gear is purchased with crucible marks.

if you want to focus on PvE, you will want to level up your vanguard rep to at least rank 2 or 3 before switching to one of the special factions, so you have access to the PvE specific legendaries from the vendors in the tower.

Ok I might switch back, I like a mix of PvE and PvP so I might just concentrate on vanguard for now then.
Hmm, just got one kill and it says 75/10000... Not entirely sure how it works then. Deaths maybe negating some? Not as bad as it seems then. But just died and still 75 so who knows!
ah, well that's not so bad :p
still, I'm not getting mine any time soon. still need 20ish strikes, and I'm capped on marks for this week already, so not much incentive to play strike playlist for the rest of this week (unless anyone wants some help / fast runs)
Are you playing solo or as groups most of the time? A majority of my time playing will be solo so wondering if that may change the experiance in anyway? I would group up at end game etc

Maybe better than darksouls aye? Big words, huge dan myself!

In some ways it's better, but not a better game per se. I'm a massive Dark Souls fan too. Destiny has a lot of fun MP game modes unlike Dark Souls which just has co-op really. I'm playing mainly solo although I have done a couple of strike missions with random people online as a team, but not with anyone on my friends list yet. It might make it more enjoyable playing with friends (though I don't know this) but it's not essential unless you want to take part in raids.
You'd have to be very lucky to get all 4 armour pieces as drops. I'm 27 and 3 of my 4 armour pieces was bought from the vendor with vanguard marks.

It's far more efficient just to earn marks and buy them than farm for drops.
Oh I know but its just not the legendaries themselves that feel annoyingly random - just to upgrade them is gonna need some real effort. One of those things where if you dont make as much time as other do youll end up stuck falling behind

Right now thats the reason Im playing Destiny, the fear of not being good enough for my raiding party, not because Im enjoying what Im doing. I dont mind grind, its the randomness on top of that thats really gets annoying!

ps3ud0 :cool:
Tried the cave farming on Earth with Moogley's earlier,

Certainly drops a lot of engrams, I got about 10 greens and 6 blues in 1 hour.

Moogley's got 2 purples as well, not sure why I didn't get them as well though as we were on the same fireteam.

I presumed drops are the same if you are teamed up so if I get a drop from my kill the other fireteam members will get the drop as well?
Tried the cave farming on Earth with Moogley's earlier,

Certainly drops a lot of engrams, I got about 10 greens and 6 blues in 1 hour.

Moogley's got 2 purples as well, not sure why I didn't get them as well though as we were on the same fireteam.

I presumed drops are the same if you are teamed up so if I get a drop from my kill the other fireteam members will get the drop as well?

Nope, loot and even ammo is specific to each individual member of the team. When I first started playing the game with my friend I assumed I ninja'd his loot as he couldn't see it when I picked it up :p
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