*** The Official Diablo III Thread ***

I started a new monk, played for 2 mins and turned it off. No new changes, can't be bothered with it anymore. It's dead, for me anyway.

Bring on D4.

I think the problem with D3 was the gap between 2 and 3, 3 fits perfectly if it had come out a few years after 2, but gaming and the genre as a whole has moved on, D3 hasn't...
that demon hunter shadow set is pretty good, i hit 70 last night and got the 2 piece and changed my build to twin chakrams and was hovering at t2 farmed some db's then first try got the karlei dagger with the cube upgrade and switched over to impale ricochet, got the 4 and then 6 piece set in no time and now smashing through t10 with completely unoptimized gear and a couple of rare level 60ish rings at paragon 50 lol :eek:
that demon hunter shadow set is pretty good, i hit 70 last night and got the 2 piece and changed my build to twin chakrams and was hovering at t2 farmed some db's then first try got the karlei dagger with the cube upgrade and switched over to impale ricochet, got the 4 and then 6 piece set in no time and now smashing through t10 with completely unoptimized gear and a couple of rare level 60ish rings at paragon 50 lol :eek:

The Shadow' was my first full armour set and a fave of mine, one-shotting bosses never got boring.

I've gone Witch Doctor this season and whilst it was okay after initially getting the full set, now I have some passive skills in the cube, the build is probably my fave of them all. The mass AoE and nuke button makes farming great fun.

Thanks to the current OcUK members playing atm, have had a few great runs (and carries)!
God I hate this waiting for the right item to drop. I need a Belt of the Trove to drop and I'm getting everything but, both from drops and via blood shards. You can bloody well guarantee that if I didn't want that particular item it would be dropping ten a penny.
Went for Hardcore for a bit this season just for a change of pace while waiting for the new POE league to start. Its a nice change of pace from the usual start of season shenanigans
Just starting to get used to the Wizard, cleared GR67 last night. Still get oneshotted doing T13 adventure if I don’t pay attention.
Man I hate it when you happily there killing everything in sight without a single problem, one/two shotting bosses and rift guardians without a care in the world when a single lowly grunt trash enemy walks up to you and blats your Crusader in a single hit.
Cleared GR75 with the Wizard, trick is to get an ignite on an elite and then keep pushing forward. Also get in close a freeze mobs for the defence boost. Now the hunt begins for useless primals.
I don't know what it is, I must've done something in a past life that really ****** off the RNG faerie, because I am getting no legendary or green drops in rifts at all in the last couple of days. I get the legendary gems and the odd potion, but that's it. Today I've had 4 legendaries drop, and all of those were from chests while doing bounties.
Gotta say, I'm seriously impressed with this hybrid WD Zunimassa/Arachyr build I've chucked together. Got me to GR61 without a hitch and should see me to GR70+ easily as is, but if some items with better stats drop then it'll be even better. That's assuming, of course, that the RNG faerie isn't on the rag again.
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