*** The Official Diablo III Thread ***

Started playing again after taking a while off.

Is the Necro expansion worth it? Is it a fun char to play?

I really do love the mindless hack and slash gameplay. Nothing quite like it to dip in and out of!
doing speed 75's so im getting plenty gear almost all ancient now bar 2 bits just to the point i cannot progress to 90gr until i have a full set of 80+ gem gear :/

ps anyone welcome to join me hit me up

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Finally got the Travellers Pledge for my WD after having 4 compass rose drop... It's not got great stats on it even after a reforge but it's already allowed me to step up a few GR levels without a problem. Just completed a 76 in a better time than I'd previously done at around 73 despite having the wrong rune in soul harvest (had the speed one in from bounty running)
Means I've now got all the right items to progress, just need to in place upgrade to ancient/primal versions.

Got 2 Ramaldini Gifts, but holding off of using one on the weapon right now - think I'm going to try and get an at least get an ancient version before using it.
I hate soul harvest. It doesn't last nearly long enough and getting within range to get the full 10 charges usually means instadeath without the Traveller's Pledge and Compass Rose, which are yet to drop for me.

One thing I wish I could change though, getting one-shotted by enemies that aren't even on screen. That particular little quirk of the game is driving me ******* insane.
I find it lasts well enough providing you have the Grave Injustice passive - which helps reduce the cooldown so you can spam it a bit more. I find I only lose it's buff in really sparsely populated areas (rare in GRs) or when I die. With the new build I've currently only died against the Rift Guardian, annoyingly each time when they've got around 10-15% health left. Luckily the Helltooth setup is less reliant on Soul Harvest than the Jade Harvest build I was doing.

If I die and lose buffs I tend to run towards a mob using spirit walk to protect me from dying to get the buff up - helps if you have Piranhado to group the enemies when doing this also.
Was a good few runs with a few of you guys last night / this morning.

Sorry about leaving abruptly but had major issues with my PC which was causing D3 to run at 20fps
Was it you who had the Angry Chicken speedrun WD build last night that you recomended to me Dean? (I'm Jay on Blizzard/Diablo)
Got the Mojo for it this morning and have just been trying it out. It's hilarious how fast you can do bounties, Normal Rifts and lower end Greater Rifts in it :D Just need to get a new set of Nemesis Bracers again for farming runs.
Was it you who had the Angry Chicken speedrun WD build last night that you recomended to me Dean? (I'm Jay on Blizzard/Diablo)
Got the Mojo for it this morning and have just been trying it out. It's hilarious how fast you can do bounties, Normal Rifts and lower end Greater Rifts in it :D Just need to get a new set of Nemesis Bracers again for farming runs.

Yeah that was me, glad to hear you are enjoying it mate - it's great :D
Guys I need to do a second Conquest, I've gone the GR lvl75 one.
Which one is easiest after that? I'm thinking the GR lvl45 with no set items one?

I'm playing Monk if that makes any difference.

So what's my best bet and any tips?
GR45 with no set items is a good one, the other is to get 350 kills. For that one I use the cursed chest event, Cursed Peat in Act V, typically I have a DH friend along to help.
GR45 with no set items is a good one, the other is to get 350 kills. For that one I use the cursed chest event, Cursed Peat in Act V, typically I have a DH friend along to help.
I find the enemies don't spawn quick enough and I'm stood around waiting. I got 180+ the other day so to get double that seems impossible (I realise it isn't)
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