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Keep dipping in and out at the mo, what new stuff, other than the character, does the Necro pack add?
I played the last season and then didn't bother with this one. Max paragon level I hit was 1200 but I spent a lot of time on there. Have it a break this season as nothing new from the last, tempted to try the necro tho
Bought the Necro expansion the other week and really enjoying the class at the moment (though only just hit 70). Bit more to think about than with my barb.
I only need 350 kills on a TX Cursed event to get Guardian (well, and two more gems to 70, but that's just time). If anyone has a character capable of it and wants to help out my poor Bell Monk who never seems to get Cursed Peat, I'm Jedit#1635. :D
Anyone still playing? Picked up a couple months back and quite hooked. Currently running the season with a Crusader on a blessed shield build, just waiting on a couple items to swap out to condemn...been waiting on them forever though :(
I'm still waiting for the Scythes for my build to drop, haven't had a single Legendaty scythe drop at all yet. I also need Convention of Elements and a new Compass Rose/Traveller's Pledge set (with gem slots)
Just got my Travellers pledge to almost finish my shield build, just need a flail for the cube, and that's just my current setup whilst chasing down the 3 condemn items I need
Trying a Crusader with Condemn build this season, cleared GR75 so far with average gear. Looking forward to getting ancients and seeing what I can do.
I cannot for the life of me get a Fryder's Wrath or blade of prophecy to make that build better than my blessed shield load out which I can do GR60 on at the moment.
Same, but I need Trag'Ouls Corroded Fang, Lost Time and Reilena's Shadowhook along with Convention of Elements and the Compass/Travellers set (all three with gem sockets hopefully). They simply are not dropping at all.
Same, but I need Trag'Ouls Corroded Fang, Lost Time and Reilena's Shadowhook along with Convention of Elements and the Compass/Travellers set (all three with gem sockets hopefully). They simply are not dropping at all.

Malevolence, forgive me if you are well aware of this. I don't know how much you have played/your experience in D3.

Are you cubing stuff? Not trying to rub salt into the wounds but Trag'Ouls Corroded fang just wouldn't stop dropping for me this season when cubing stuff. Also, you probably are not making this mistake, but for the shadow hook, I was cubing one handed scythes rather than two handed. Just making sure you're not making the same mistake I did heh :)
I went for the Condemn Crusader this season after never really touching anything other than the thorns build a few seasons back.

I'm doing very well so far, I completed the season journey with ease and without even trying for the 3 conquest achievements. I was able to get to around GR85 using basic gear before collecting the bits for the speedfarm loadout. A couple of Ancient items later and I think my highest clear was GR94, I've since been farming materials, keystones and re-rolling/forging gear ready for the big push to higher GRs.

I have mostly ancient pieces now, including a primal amulet which gave a massive boost (and almost stopped my heart when found it :D). I'm hoping to start pushing into the 100s and get my gear augmented, It's probably going be the furthest I've ever managed to progress.
The Condemn Crusader does seem to be a really powerful build, not playing as much this season as previously but hopeful with this build I can break the GR100 barrier. @Parky, did you do anything special for you Illusory Boots or just farm ActII bounties?
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