8/13 ancients on WD at the moment, GR61 is the highest I've cleared solo.
Good Laugh with Omaeka last night and the lucky git got an near perfect ancient Blade of Tribes for his new LeapQuake
btw mate your build should be this i think.
Could you post your build please?
Also, whats the 'go to' speed farming build for WD this season, still arachyr chicken with belt of transcendence and firebats?
I'm enjoying Jade more than I thought I would but just farming up items at the moment - really need to start split farming T7 bounties though as I have loads of things to cube.
a quick question.
how do you know where to farm to get better gear from? do you just increase the game difficulty to the max level you can do solo and then increase as you get better gear?
need to start farming gear for my crusader and get my last 2 pieces for the thorns set
Are you not doing seasonal journey? Also, since the group buffs were removed and lv70 bonus experience was nerfed, solo play is very viable, infact if your team are weaker than you, you'd always be better off solo now. Something I like. a lot.
im doing adventure mode on seasonal.
started off doing story mode till i found out about doing bounties to level up to 70.
im new to seasons as this is my first one, i have done a greater fift, normal rift and bounties.
i do like the ability to solo things as can do them when i am free to play the game.
BuzzLloydyear, Thanks a lot for the help last night. if there is anything you need a hand with let me know (which i very much doubt you will lol)
Progress update: Still not pushed Grifts that hard yet, but comfortably beat level 70. I am now paragon 592, so well on the way to my target of 650 by the end of the week. I got some significant loot upgrades for my set also. I am pretty sure I could do up to level 73-75 at least.
What build are you playing mate?
I am using the DMO - Arcane Orbit build. Just completed level 72 now. There was room for another couple of levels at least there. Very confident things can go a lot better if I can upgrade to a few more ancients.
Thanks, it is looking good, seeing other people's setup encourages me to try it as well. So many builds so little time
btw i see you have a WD too, never used the helltooth before or the build, is it pretty op as well ? What GR can you achieve with bobby?