***** The Official Division Thread *****

toughness is king, i wouldnt worry about dps so much.

me and my group of 4 were fighting one bloke last night. he had high toughness and high skill.

we all ran out of bullets and he still didnt go down. he just ran around not firing. once we were all empty, he shot a sticky and took us all out with bullets.
My advice to people ranking up:

- Armour is key, getting as close to 75 is important and more important than having 4000 stamina. Try not to run 0% exotic damage resilience either.
- For all end game you'll likely be in a team, so I would say its better to try and target a build to aim for (e.g. be biased for DPS or Skill)
- There is little point in having 500K toughness and 75K DPS/10K Skill.
- Now that the burst DPS has dropped from the Sentry nerf, its also important that you have at least 15-20K Skill on a DPS build (something I need to work on) to keep healing yourself.
- Don't get blinded by gear score. Having all 240 pieces, with 0 set bonuses and bad stat rolls is pretty useless.
Lol - Yes the nerf and the shady way they went about it sucks. But its not that bad, instead of pulse stacking to 100% CHC by giving you ~40% more CHC, it doesn't stack. So if you have high CHC, just run smart cover instead of pulse?
Yeah thinking thats the way, it is a shame since I stacked pulse and CHC on most of my gear too get those big orange numbers. Good thing is most of my gear is low level still and pretty meh.
guys where to get better weapons?

i'm only doing around 110-115k DPS with my primary weapon :(

Your DPS is likely that way due to poor choice of weapon mods and not knowing which weapon rolls to keep (in terms of what talents they drop with)

Read this Best in Slot Guide on Reddit about which mods you should be choosing. Get yourself an MP5 / Aug sub machine gun and a M1A and you've got the best guns in the game.

I tried to get back into it, but the High value targets felt boring, DZ was same old and the incursions are disappointing.

Think I burnt out on the game too quick. Still, even if I never play it again I must've racked up 150 hours so still easily got my moneys worth.
Have run falcon lost on hard more times than I are to remember.

Decided to have a go at challenging tonight and completed it. Didn't need survivor links to run the bombs either.
Anyone doing regular DZ run for loot? What's the best way to find a group to join if you're playing alone on the PS4. Using one of the 2 divisionlfg websites?
I tried the matchmaking for the DZ last night.
Started quite well but no one had a mic and the group fell apart quite quickly.

Its made me want to try it more though, certainly not as bad as some of the things ive seen/heard about people dropping group and killing the rest :D

Its rough with pretty much zero people on my friends list still playing.

If anyone is running groups in the DZ, add me etc. Happy to just farm lower end zones as well as 5/6 too.
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