*** The Official E3 2013 Thread ***

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Of course they could, but it generally feels that MS tend to jump on those opportunities first, its not hard to see the message that if XO requires a decent internet connection that ISPs could produce a broadband product that fulfills those minimum requirements and package the XO at a subsidised rate within that.

Its a simple, but very powerful message to a consumer

ps3ud0 :cool:

I'm not seeing the message. Do you wants Xbones or PS4's with your internetz? If MS or Sony was going to subsidise their machine wouldn't they just drop the price and swallow the loss?

Not much of a message?
GTTV is just bashing on Nintendo at the moment, but making a few good points. Is it true there is a special Pokémon Nintendo Direct tonight? Or was that just rumours going around earlier?
There isn't much to do when it comes to Nintendo other than criticize tbh.

Have to agree, they've milked the Wii system enough and i think its time 2 things happen, either they take a new direction and go with a new console or they retire to making games for other consoles.

There is only so long you can milk a empty cow.
Have to agree, they've milked the Wii system enough and i think its time 2 things happen, either they take a new direction and go with a new console or they retire to making games for other consoles.

There is only so long you can milk a empty cow.

They do have some nice IPs, would be sweet to see Pokémon, Pikmin or Metroid in full graphical glory on the XB1/PS4. They'll either fail hard this generation and soldier on to the next where they die, make a serious console or just start creating titles for other platforms.

The entire Nintendo hour was just that dude repeating himself saying 'Zelda, Donkey Kong, Mario, Sonic, Zelda, Donkey Kong, Mario, Sonic' over and over. If the XB1 revealed with nothing but Gears of War, Halo, Forza & Fable they'd get crucified and so would Sony if they did the same. Nintendo shouldn't get away with it year after year. If no developers want to bring their IP to your console, then do something about it next generation, but instead they just created yet another under powered gimmick machine that will fall flat on it's face against MS & Sony. Bring out the Gamecube 2, that console was the ****, had the best exclusives of it's generation and pretty much every game.

I think this might be the longest I have ever streamed something uninterrupted for.

Does anyone know if anything about Dark Souls 2 is coming up?

Soon mate, in the next hour.
There isn't much to do when it comes to Nintendo other than criticize tbh.

Partly true, but at least Nintendo understand that it is about fun and gameplay, not a multi million pound production budget, some of the most fun games to play have come from them.
They also have shigeru miyamoto, the guy is pure genius, anything he does is worth a serious look
Partly true, but at least Nintendo understand that it is about fun and gameplay, not a multi million pound production budget, some of the most fun games to play have come from them.
They also have shigeru miyamoto, the guy is pure genius, anything he does is worth a serious look

If he'd create a new IP for once since Gamecube then more people would give him a serious look, but unless its Zelda or Smash Bros, nobody really cares anymore. They need to innovate fast.
You cant create new IP for a console that's faltering, you have to produce games that you know will be a hit.

The WiiU has the potential to be a very good console but at the moment it is lacking games to back it up. If it starts selling it will get the games, but they need to get it to sell first and in not sure the sparse line up they have announced so far is enough to do that.
Hahaha great picture that sums it up quite nice.


Same was being said about the 3DS, now it's flying. Not sure why people keep dooming things 6 months into their lifecycle.

The 3DS had Mario 3D Land, Mario Kart and a massive price cut, do you honestly think Pikmin 3, The Wonderful 101, Windwaker HD and Mario 3D World which isn't coming till December is going to cause the same sales boost that the 3DS got?
Honestly with Nintendo, They need to get these games out yesterday and slash the cost of the Wii U. I'd buy one for the games announced if I felt the price was right. It needs to be a also own console like the Wii was. I don't care if it has 3rd party games if I already own a system that does... It's all down to the price.
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