*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

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Those expansions are essential in my book. Part of the reason i'm holding off from buying for as long as possible is because i want to buy all the code in one neat 'GOTY' style package

Isn't that essentially what the game+season pass gets you? I don't see them doing a all-in-one pack like that for years considering the scope of the expansions. If you think you will enjoy the game in my opinion you are doing yourself a disservice not getting the season pass whilst its still available.
It think SC is a case of 'when' and not 'if' Chris Roberts will deliver on his promise I'm sure.

Development on ED started a lot earlier and from what I've seen so far SC looks like it will potentially be a lot deeper gameplay wise.

Your right, standard beta is the move to the next stage. You will get all the updates from then on the same as anyone else apart from the expansions which you will have to buy unless you bought the expansion pack

I have bought into both games.

I have to say SC doesn't really inspire me with confidence - any time I see new information on it I get a feeling of deja vu reminding me of failed mod and game dev teams I've been part of over the years with lots of great ideas but without the ability to actually realise them.

I'm sure SC will do well, but the success of ED so far is most likely down to the fact that Frontier have been developing this game in secret for many years now - Brabam said at a recent conference that the majority of what we see now was there even before the kickstarter. Think of that what you will, but Frontier have a significant head start on SC at the moment, and that is why beta is going so well.

I kind of understand this - when I started modding for Quake 2 many years ago I had an ambitious idea that was completely beyond my abilities and experience at the time, several scrapped versions of it later I started to understand that lol but I was able to reuse some of the functions, techniques, etc. I'd developed in other areas of software development and in other smaller less ambitious mods that were completely unrelated but also allowed me to refine and enhance those things in other products over time, I also had another couples of goes at it but couldn't quite get there.

Many years later I came back to it now knowing how things would work before I actually implemented them and having the expertise and knowledge of how the individual parts worked and managed to get the core idea up and working but by that time the game was too old to be worth putting the effort in to fully flesh it out.
Isn't that essentially what the game+season pass gets you? I don't see them doing a all-in-one pack like that for years considering the scope of the expansions. If you think you will enjoy the game in my opinion you are doing yourself a disservice not getting the season pass whilst its still available.

How much and where do i get it? I can't seem to find it

EDIT - £100??? **** off!!!! I can wait a couple of years to get everything for a 3rd of that
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I spent £85 on the premium beta, the discount was because I was an early backer. If it weren't for the backers discount on the premium beta I'd have just bought the standard beta and expansion packs for £85 altogether. It's a great game being developed by a dedicated UK based team. I'm more than happy to pay over the odds for the game. Even in it's current condition it's very playable, I'm enjoying doing trade runs and have tried dogfighting with a couple of lasers on my sidey.

Has anyone figured out a quicker way to make a bit of profit at the start though? I'm using an online tool to find the best trade route based on cargo space and cash available but even so it's quite slow!
I spent £85 on the premium beta, the discount was because I was an early backer. If it weren't for the backers discount on the premium beta I'd have just bought the standard beta and expansion packs for £85 altogether. It's a great game being developed by a dedicated UK based team. I'm more than happy to pay over the odds for the game. Even in it's current condition it's very playable, I'm enjoying doing trade runs and have tried dogfighting with a couple of lasers on my sidey.

Has anyone figured out a quicker way to make a bit of profit at the start though? I'm using an online tool to find the best trade route based on cargo space and cash available but even so it's quite slow!

Trading in the sidey is painful. You are better off going to the federal distress beacon in Eranin and bagging 80 kills with your two lasers and buying a hauler. When this is in the bag then its medicines from Aluin to Eranin and Tea from eranin to aluin and before you know it you'll have more money than you know what to do with.
So when is elite actually properly released?
No firm date, but there's a 30th anniversary coming up in September (I think) so I suspect they're aiming to get the Gamma* release out for that date.

* Gamma is the term they're using for the first release candidate for the game. It's still a Beta really but should reflect the content of the final game. Gamma will be available to anyone who has pledged or preordered the game, and they intend to use it for balancing and minor bug squashing before they release something to retail.
I'm sure SC will do well, but the success of ED so far is most likely down to the fact that Frontier have been developing this game in secret for many years now - Brabam said at a recent conference that the majority of what we see now was there even before the kickstarter. Think of that what you will, but Frontier have a significant head start on SC at the moment, and that is why beta is going so well.

Actually different to what the man (Braben) himself says:


Now, who to believe? ;)
I suppose it all really depends on what he is calling 'skunk-works' development!
As a shrewd businessman and director of a company that wants to keep trading, he isn't going to invest a significant amount of money into something that he doesn't have confidence is going to make any returns.

I suspect that two things happened:

1. They developed the COBRA engine with a potential for a future space-based game in mind. They won't have developed it specifically for that, but certain decisions will have been taken that don't preclude it.

2. Downtime will have been spent doing small pieces of R&D. A company like Frontier who until now have been doing a lot of software consultancy / contract work are likely to have short periods between projects. Rather than having employees sat idle, they'll invest that time into something (which was always likely to be Elite related).

I believe that prior to the Kickstarter, there was a working build that was basically a couple of low-fidelity ships with no cockpit and basic HUD that they could play on the network. That's why they had very little to demonstrate during the first months, and why I tend to believe DB when he says that the vast majority of development was done during and after the Kickstarter.
Your probably about right, although I suspect from DB's comments on this video it was a bit more developed than you may think. This I where I got the reference from, but you are probably right in that most of that development was the COBRA engine. Pretty good watch that video too.

On another note I am thinking about giving away up to 100,000 credits worth of Progenitor Cells tonight to any OCUK members stuck in a sidewinder that want some, in order to help kickstart you to a decent level so you can play about properly for the next few weeks until Beta. PM me if you need some help getting started... I'll pass you enough to buy a hauler or an eagle and insure it.
On another note I am thinking about giving away up to 100,000 credits worth of Progenitor Cells tonight to any OCUK members stuck in a sidewinder that want some, in order to help kickstart you to a decent level so you can play about properly for the next few weeks until Beta. PM me if you need some help getting started... I'll pass you enough to buy a hauler or an eagle and insure it.

Very kind of you! PM incoming :) Been struggling in my Sidewinder for a while, it's not exactly great to trade in. Got an X52 Pro arriving tomorrow, I've convinced myself it'll make me a better pilot..
Very kind of you! PM incoming :) Been struggling in my Sidewinder for a while, it's not exactly great to trade in. Got an X52 Pro arriving tomorrow, I've convinced myself it'll make me a better pilot..

Responded! It will make you a better pilot, I am sure you will not regret it.
Trading in the sidey is painful. You are better off going to the federal distress beacon in Eranin and bagging 80 kills with your two lasers and buying a hauler. When this is in the bag then its medicines from Aluin to Eranin and Tea from eranin to aluin and before you know it you'll have more money than you know what to do with.

Thanks! I'll give that a try, so far only got one kill while dogfighting and had to pay 300 for repairs so wasn't very profitable!
So it's still £70? Not much better IMO
I'm quite happy to skip game releases that last year I'd have jumped on. I've already skipped 3, that I can quickly think of, during the early beta stages and will skip more before ED becomes gamma. So in that respect my pocket is better of already.

That's how it is for me..
Thanks! I'll give that a try, so far only got one kill while dogfighting and had to pay 300 for repairs so wasn't very profitable!

Don't pay for repairs in a sidey, fight to the death! As a tip, go for Eranin and don't get caught in a federation spawn, unless you are in formation with other Eranin ships i.e. don't get caught alone near the dreadnaught - find a nearby friendly lakon with its sidewinder escorts and tail them, then pick your targets. If more than one bad guy is shooting at you run away! Fighters first, then eagles, then cobras. Ignore the Anacondas, just keep your distance.

Thanks Red :D Was a pleasure, I'm now half way to starting a trade empire ;)

You are welcome fella.
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The one thing that's stopped me from putting plenty of time in to it and that's being stuck with the sidey.

I've spent hours on trade runs and barely gained a penny.I wanted to upgrade to the next ship, the eagle I think it is.

Love playing with the x55 though adds a lot to the game.
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